Being A Mindful Leader

Being A Mindful Leader

In October, the CG Zest Wellness team turns attention to the importance of mental well-being. We are very excited to present the in-person Mindful Leader Training Program in Bermuda being held this weekend and hosted by Michael Apollo.

Michael Apollo is a seasoned mindfulness facilitator, registered psychotherapist, and corporate consultant. He draws from neuroscience, mental health resources, and emotional intelligence to create sustainable behavior change. His programs and presentations have been called "transformative" and "inspiring" and have been experienced by over 1.5 million people worldwide.

The certificate program covers, “a range of topics to support developing resilience, well-being, work-life balance, and reducing stress in work and life. By developing a mindfulness practice and approaching situations in a more calm, compassionate, and skillful manner, you can begin to experience the research-validated benefits of this practice.”

Over the past two years, we have been very fortunate to have an ongoing 6-week digital course with Michael to train many mindful leaders enrolled in the CG Zest Wellness program setting them up to engage healthily with the daily challenges they face.

Registration is open for our in-person event this Saturday at the Loren at Pink Beach, Bermuda.

Here are some key takeaways from the Mindful Leader digital class of 2021


1. Mindfulness is simple, but it’s not easy. 

The level of enhanced awareness increased, and participants found ways to introduce mindfulness into their daily routine and even integrate it into their team meetings. 

2. Ditch Self-Judgment

Leaning into awareness over judgment was a vital theme of this year’s program.  As a group, we shared our inner frustrations at getting distracted or losing concentration, or not remembering to be mindful in a particular situation. 

 Instead of self-judgment, our instructor Michael Apollo guided us to flip this thinking into awareness.  We were nourished by positivity, and an emphasis was placed on bringing ourselves back to the present one breath at a time.


3. Practice over time got easier.

For some, this was a way to solidify existing mindfulness practices in personal and professional life.  For others, they were completely new to the concept of mindfulness. Regardless of experience, everyone agreed that their practice over time got easier. 


4.  Start small and build up.

Integrating mindfulness into our respective workplaces was tasked to each leader.  Here are four tips we found helpful:


i.    Schedule mindfully. 

Allow for breaks in between meetings.

Schedule time to reflect and pause during the day.  Schedule movement reminders.


ii.    Consider a Mindful minute

Start a group meeting with a mindful minute – consider playing a short guided breath meditation to allow staff to arrive at the meeting fully present.


Not sure your team is ready for a full minute?  Consider just three mindful breaths to start with.  Frequency is as important as duration.


iii.    How to limit multi-tasking

Guilty of sending e-mails during meetings?  Consider the precedent this is setting as a leader in your organization. 


iv.     Limit multi-tasking by leading by example.  Set group norms by inviting staff to silence their phones and exit out of browsers as a call to action before a team meeting.


Source:  CG Mindful Leader Course 2021 presented by Michael Apollo of Mindful Gateway Consulting


Are you interested in becoming a certified Mindful Leader in your organization?  Contact your local CG Zest Wellness Coordinator. 

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