Men's Health November

Men's Health November

One of the important Health Observances that is brought to the forefront in November each year is men’s health.

What issues are we highlighting and talking about specifically when it comes to men’s health?

  • Testicular cancer is the most common cancer in men under 40 and the easiest to go unnoticed. However (95%), survival rates are high, so it is essential to complete your annual physical and regularly self-check. If you have a family history of testicular cancer, you are at higher risk. Learning a simple self-check routine is a great way to know what’s normal for you. That way, if anything changes you can act on it. Learn how here courtesy of our friends at

  • Prostate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer for men, affecting 1 in 7 men during their lifetime (WHO). Prostate cancer screening should be an informed individual decision. A simple blood test called the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) test can be used to screen for prostate cancer. The potential risks and gains should be discussed with your doctor. This FREE decision guide can be completed to bring to your doctor's visit to help start the conversation.  It is recommended to start a conversation with your doctor by the age of 50 regarding prostate cancer screening.   If you are African American you need to start the conversation at 45.  If your brother or father was diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early age should you should start this conversation earlier at 40.   If symptoms develop, it is vital to get it checked right away. Read about prostate cancer symptoms here

  • Globally, men are at least three times more likely to die by suicide due to a mental illness than women are (from the latest WHO statistics in 2016). Men are less likely to talk about their feelings or ask for help. That silence causes us to lose 60 men an hour to suicide across the world. Learn how to support others, spot the signs and speak up about mental health and suicide prevention.

  • Physical inactivity accounts for 3.2 million death globally (latest WHO stats 2008) and 40% of American men do not get enough physical activity to achieve health benefits.

Dive further into these topics with our CG Zest Webinar on men’s health where the CG Zest Wellness team combines their minds and experience to deliver an educational and informative session that you can walk away from with new insight to help your loved ones.

How can we raise awareness on the topic of men’s health?

Besides growing a mustache which is a great conversation starter in the month of November for men’s health, we can ask around the workplace or community if there are any fundraisers you can join if this is a cause you want to get behind. We can also educate ourselves with the great resources above and inspire others by sharing.

One small step can turn into a giant leap and you just took that first step here.


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