Undeniable Proof That You Need A Wellness Roadmap

Undeniable Proof That You Need A Wellness Roadmap

Planning Workplace Wellness for 2021: How to roadmap workplace wellness for your organization and plan for workplace health observances. 

Promoting health and wellness in the workplace by following health observances is recommended by “Welcoa” The Wellness Council of America. With so many health observances out there it can be confusing and even daunting for the most resilient workplace wellness committees. Fear, not CG Zest Wellness has your workplace wellness sorted.  

Here are 3 insider corporate wellness tips for planning a resilient workplace wellness program in 2021. 

Use our roadmap and get picky!

Our CG Zest Wellness Roadmap provides an extensive list of options that allow for “plug and play” wellness initiatives. This is essentially a guide for 

a. What will automatically be happening (e.g. jurisdiction-wide step challenges, newsletter themes/resources available for your staff) and

b. Inspiration for what your company can focus on. This document can be edited and designed to suit your organization's preferences. For example, your workplace loves its summer step challenge. Put it in the roadmap and get planning with your CG Zest Wellness Coordinator.

Each company is unique and might have special health observances they wish to honour based on their staff profile.  

a. Consider having an Annual Wellness Mission statement. – You can use the CG Zest Wellness Interest Survey to gain an insight into staff preferences and adapt template mission statements available from your Co-Ordinator. E.g. Resiliency in 2021. Reset and Refocus 2021.

b. Consider your staff’s biometric profile.  Consider results from previous biometric data – to help with selection. For example, your organization may have a high CVD and body composition issue but a relatively low diabetes risk.

c.      Engagement/employee trends.  What worked well before? Use refined analytics available from your Corporate Wellness Coordinator to help customize your company’s roadmap.

d.     Consider holidays and busy seasons.  Does your workplace get slammed at month end? Are there seasonal trends where wellness initiatives get pushed to one side? 

A family-centric workplace and mid-term has skeleton staff in the office? That’s ok. Just re-configure the timing of the focus and select what initiatives will work in line with organizational productivity. 

e.     Virtual? Onsite or Blended workplace? Review 2021 strategy with flexibility in mind for COVID. Our wellness experts have adaptable solutions to meet your team where they are at.

Lock in quarterly Champions meetings.  

Prioritizing Champions meetings is a great way to keep accountable. 

Our Wellness Co-Ordinators are at your service to help support and guide you along the way. Don’t miss out – booking champions meetings ahead of time and a great way to commit to employee wellness and stay on top of initiatives. We can assist with budget concerns, re-engagement, and provide updates on all upcoming CG Zest Wellness events your staff is eligible to benefit from.

Contact your local CG Zest Wellness Coordinator to plan your Organizations' Wellness Roadmap... Need a nudge of motivation?? We appreciate that our Champions are the leaders and implementers within their organizations. Leading wellness and promoting health deserves to be recognized. CG Zest Wellness program rewards our Wellness Champions throughout the year. Keep in touch with us to hear about exclusive access to quarterly champs events to enjoy. 2021! We are coming for you!

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