10 Wellness Tips for Giving Birth in a Hospital

10 Wellness Tips for Giving Birth in a Hospital

Congratulations! If you are reading this you have likely reached the end of your pregnancy journey.  Now might be time to prepare for your hospital stay.  Here are some wellness tips aimed to help you feel prepared.

1)   Pack your back ahead of time but don’t stress! Your birth partner can bring in anything you may have forgotten.

2)   Your birth partner can take home outdoor clothing and laundry as hospitals have limited space for personal items- packing lightly will help!

3)    Keep an extra supply of healthy refreshments & snacks in a car cooler box.

4)    Visitors may be limited due to COVID-19.  If you plan to share updates, consider setting up a VIP group chat to keep your close friends and family updated

5)    Turn off notifications & keep your phone on silent – Remember Moms and babies need lots of rest

6)    You will likely get follow-up appointments and tips from your healthcare provider.  Having a notebook and pen available will help you to remember all this new information

a.     Note that you will likely be asked about times the baby is fed, the duration, and diaper changes. Jot these down as you go to keep track.

7)   Leave valuables at home. 

8)   Plan your journey & hospital stay– who will drive you and who will care for other children while in hospital

9)   Bring your own pillow  - This home comfort may help you feel more relaxed

10)   Have some entertainment to help pass time, books/magazines/earphones

Download a list of suggested items to help you pack by clicking below.

CG Zest Wellness Hospital Bag Checklist

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