Why A Lifestyle Mentor Is Just What You Need In 2021

Why A Lifestyle Mentor Is Just What You Need In 2021

Do you struggle with taking control of your habits to develop a healthier lifestyle? Do you have issues with consistency? Feel stuck or unmotivated? Are you getting back on track but still want to improve? If you would like to feel more supported and empowered to help manage your healthy lifestyle, you’ve come to the right place.

With 2021 right around the corner, many people are looking for a way to reset and refresh their healthy habits and personal wellbeing.  

We have a personalized solution exclusive for our CG Zest Wellness members! Introducing CG Zest Wellness’s Lifestyle check-up: A 1-on-1 virtual wellness and lifestyle meeting. Your session will be lead by one of our Wellness lifestyle mentors, Coach Katie or Nurse Sharon.  

Meet your CG Zest Wellness lifestyle mentors:

Katie Doyle


Katie is a certified health coach, yoga instructor, and Zest Wellness Coordinator. She will guide your lifestyle reflection in a way that is designed to make you feel good about positive change!  

Sharon Looney


Nurse Sharon has over 10 years of healthcare experience and enjoys swimming, weekly yoga and is learning to run with the CG Zero to run club. She launched this program in the fall of 2020. Nurse Sharon is looking forward to engaging with clients again in 2021 and to help each member find success, one tiny step at a time. 

Based on our feedback survey, a lifestyle consult can help you feel more confident, empowered, and feel supported by managing your healthy lifestyle.


How it works:

  1. Select an appointment. Keep an eye out on our social media (@cgzestwellness) or your email for news on when appointments are available. If you’re not on our mailing list and would like to receive regular information from us, CLICK HERE.

  2. Have a pen and paper ready. At your chosen appointment, you will receive a Whats-app call from our lifestyle mentors to troubleshoot your lifestyle.  You will be asked to make bullet points about your lifestyle.  By the end of this explorative, interactive conversation you will have defined a self-prescribed lifestyle goal for yourself.

  3. Stay accountable. Our team will send you a personalized reminder and reward you with CG Zest Wellness bonus points.  You will also have the option to register for a follow-up touchpoint at the end of the quarter to help you feel supported with your goal. 

What clients are saying:

Don’t take our word for it, here is what previous participants have said about the Virtual Lifestyle Checkup.

“…very warm and engaging, and it was easy opening up about my health successes and concerns. I felt supported, both during the session as well as in further correspondence, and the tiny habit identified for adoption regarding time management has been working very well so far!” 

“Personalized, fast, results-focused. Nurse Sharon is very easy to talk with and gentle yet firm. It was an awesome experience, Nurse Sharon was very attentive and focused on our conversation.” 

“I was asked to write the information down about my healthy lifestyle and once you see the information on paper everything becomes clearer added to the coach giving you simple tips to make the adjustments”

“…the engagement of the conversation and allowing me to speak on my expectations for myself and not just being dictated to.”

“After speaking with Sharon, I realized that I really don't have a big problem. I just need to commit and get it done but she reminded me that it’s the baby steps that will improve the journey.”

“…it was helpful to learn to experience everything in small steps. Don't attempt to do everything at once.” 

“The customized approach to improving holistic health which used individual interests and aspirations to create a combined goal that we are more likely to stick with.” 

“The social interaction and advice that helped me to look at opportunities that I had ignored or was not aware of at the time.”

“Sharon was super informative and supportive. She was incredibly positive the entire time and focused on all the "wins". Her approach totally changed my focus from what I need to improve, to celebrating my progress and making a plan for small steps of improvement. I would definitely do this quarterly! Sharon is awesome! :)”

“…my nurse was very nice and efficient, she allowed me to speak about my situation and she listened and allowed me to ask questions.” 

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