Rockstar Member: Carl Feucht

Rockstar Member: Carl Feucht

Tell us a little bit about yourself! (name, age, employer, and an interesting fact about you)

My name is Carl Feucht, I just turned 62, I work at the Lyford Cay International School, and an interesting fact about me is my love for travel: so far I’ve traveled through 72 countries and I’m just getting started.

Tell us a little about your fitness journey coming into 2021 and what motivates you? 

Like many, I started 2021 about 15 lbs. heavier than the last year. As soon as the lockdowns were over I resolved to shed that excess. Fortunately, I was recruited to come work here where we’re surrounded by calm cerulean seas. Open water swimming is a favorite sport of mine, so that’s where I got busy. I started tracking my swims in earnest with my Apple Watch on February 1st. According to my watch, between the 1st of February and the last day of June, I spent 54 hours in the sea and swam over 108 kilometers during 79 workouts. On my own, I wouldn’t have kept track of that, but with the watch recording it all it’s pretty motivating when I look at it in perspective.

How do you track your fitness and what biometric measurement is most important to you?

I use an Apple Watch loaded with several apps that can map and track my swims, heart rate, time/distance, etc. For me, the most important biometric measure is my pace per 100 meters. It varies with every swell and open water swim, but I always enjoy keeping track of it.

What are some wellness resources that you use to enhance your wellness IQ?

Nothing fancy, just the tried and true eat right, sleep right (and regular), and manage my stress levels effectively. I swore off sodas decades ago and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

What have been some mental and physical changes that you have observed, in response to your consistent swimming? 

That’s a mighty long list. First off, when I’m in the water, I’m in my happy place, in something close to a meditative state, clearing my mind, letting go, listening to my intuition, but observing the marine life too. Physically, my stamina has improved, my sleep too, I’ve shed 13 lbs. since January, and my muscle tone has improved considerably. Plus, I know my heart is happier and healthier as a result.

Tell us about one of your most interesting or most exciting swim sessions? 

That would be the day I achieved my goal of swimming the length of Lyford Cay, I was just 200 mtrs. Into my swim, in 30+ feet of water, just warming up and looking forward to the next 4,000m. Suddenly at the top of my field of vision, I spot a 7+ foot shark rising right towards me. I was like, uh-oh! what kind of shark is this?!? Then I noticed a large hump around the dorsal fin, so I screamed in my mask thinking it was a bull shark. No sooner had my scream filled my mask than I realized it was a harmless nurse shark coming to investigate me. As it rose I think my shriek made it veer off to my left smirking. As I watched it swim away, I saw a mid-sized barracuda 50 ft off my side. He was tracking me, keeping pace, just observing. We swam for 200+ meters. more before he too peeled off. Meanwhile, I was laughing at myself at how I’d screamed in my mask. The rest of the swim was fantastic, full of colorful corals, fishes, and interesting terrain.

Globally, there has been growing creativity in technology that helps us stay fit and active. What are some interesting devices, that you have embraced as a great idea, to keep people healthy?

That would be my Apple Watch and the various apps I have installed. I can generate some amazing reports, looking in-depth at the state of my heart, how many calories I’ve burned, how many meters I’ve swum. I can view detailed maps of my course and tie that into my heart rate etc. It’s pretty amazing.

Do you think wellness is easy to perfect? (yes or no) Why?

What a great question. I have to say yes with a caveat - tailor the wellness to what suits you and it’ll be an easy yes. If you’re not liking your diet or exercise routine then it’s going to be hard to perfect. Just as we’re advised to follow our bliss career-wise, I think that applies to wellness too. Find something you’re passionate about to burn the calories and stay active and you’ll be golden.

What has been your favorite CG Zest Wellness offering, application, and/or feature? Why?

Easy. Your weight station. To sit down week after week recording my slow but steady weight loss has been a minor victory each time.

What are some inspiring aspects of your workplace wellness program, at LCIS?

The fact that we have one! When I heard that we’re enrolled in the Zest Wellness program and we’ll receive bonuses for healthy habits and working out I was thrilled.

As for a photo of me swimming, I asked several neighbors to take my picture in the water, but there’s not much to see at the surface. Unfortunately, I don’t know any good free-divers with underwater cameras. So here’s a favorite pic of mine taken last year, just before we went into lockdown.

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