Enjoying The Slow Down Of Summer

Enjoying The Slow Down Of Summer

It’s been a long, hot summer with days spent inside working and lazy evenings at the beach. The season is winding down, the days are long, and it is hot! So hot in fact that you may not feel like getting into the kitchen and cooking, or exercising, or anything for that matter. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone! Take advantage of this time of year by letting yourself listen to your body’s cues and slowing down your pace. Think of it as an act of self-care and self-preservation, not laziness, and prepare yourself for these moments.

Listen to your body and your internal cues – This took me a long time to honor for myself. Growing up, when my mom would pick me up from school, the first question I would ask was, “what’s for dinner?” The schedule of mealtimes is something that I structured my days around, but now I am finding that it is so different. Having so much time to reflect due to the pandemic, I have noticed that I am more than happy with a much lighter meal in the evenings in the summer months. It’s important to listen to these cues to avoid overeating in summer months and fuel your body with what it needs. If your movement is slowing down as well and you are exercising less, this is even more important.

Plan Ahead – Finding on the weekends that you don’t want to cook? Plan to make simple meals highlighting seasonal produce. Coming from an English background, I grew up with meat and potatoes at every meal. It doesn’t have to be this way! Think big salads, summer fruits, charcuterie boards, and grilled meats. You can also do cold grain and noodle bowls, and take advantage of raw preparations as well.

Meal Prep – Similar to planning ahead, you can also cook and prepare ahead of time. Keeping veggie sticks, cooked grains, and prepared salad greens on hand can help to ensure that when you don’t feel like cooking, a healthy option is within reach.

Keep Moving – Switch it up to something more achievable. It is normal not to want to attend a HIIT session or CrossFit workout right now. Try instead going for evening walks, swimming, kayaking or paddleboarding, or indoor yoga sessions. If you keep moving regardless of the intensity, you will still reap the mental health benefits of exercise, plus your body will thank you as well.

Be Kind – This is something that I preach because it is true. Be kind to yourself and your body, and don’t beat yourself up if you feel like slowing down. We live in a society that values being busy over being slow. With a global pandemic, this is the perfect time to change your mindset.


Summertime Charcuterie

Summertime Charcuterie

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Rockstar Member: Carl Feucht