Rockstar Member: Shanda Moss Styles

Rockstar Member: Shanda Moss Styles

Shanda Moss Styles is an employee of Atlantic Medical Insurance- Freeport Office and a Zest Wellness ROCKSTAR! Get to know Shanda through her interview below!

Tell us about your lockdown routine…

 My “Lockdown routine”: I get up at the same time each morning.  I walk each morning around 6:30 am for approximately 3-4 miles.  After my walks, my breakfast consists of either fruits,  or different varieties of oatmeal smoothies with a cup of fever grass tea.  Lunch is typically chicken/salmon and veggies as they are the only two meat that I consume.  Dinner was either mixed nuts or a salad with lots of blueberries and strawberries.. yummy, yummy. My breaks from the laptop are deep breaths and lonnnnggggg stretches.

As a Rockstar, what does wellness mean to you?

As a “ROCKSTAR” wellness means a good night’s sleep, a healthy and nutritious diet, lots of water, and a minute of quiet time for reflection.

Which of the ZEST Wellness resources have helped you during the COVID-19 lockdown and curfew?

 The virtual sessions [webinars and podcasts] were most informative during lockdown I thoroughly enjoyed them

What feature of the ZEST wellness app do you recommend to those working from home? Why?

The Zest wellness app provides a variety of topics my recommendation and focus were always on eating healthy and getting active.

What keeps you motivated to exercise while working from home?

 What keeps me motivated while working from home is my MINDSET!! I AM MY OWN MOTIVATION!

What kitchen tips do you have for other ZEST members, that helped you with your weight loss during the lockdown/curfew?

Being prepared in the kitchen. Make fruits readily accessible, stock up on lots of healthy snacks like Greek yogurts, nuts, pre-made veggie snack portions.

What is one simple tip you would suggest to ZEST members to help them get 10,000 steps every day?

My simple tip to acquiring 10,000 steps daily is to start in the morning. Jumpstart the day with an early morning routine, I find that it gives me a boost of energy which carries me throughout the day.  That early morning boost allows for countless steps…try it!! 

What advice would you give someone that is considering starting their wellness journey, while on this lockdown/curfew?

My advice for someone considering a wellness journey would be to start small, gradually changing to a healthy lifestyle of diet and exercise and if you must snack, choose healthy ones (nuts, fruits).

Zest Wellness is a comprehensive Wellness Program for Colonial Medical, Atlantic Medical, and BritCay Premier Health Members. To learn more visit or

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Twitter: @zestwellnesscgi

Colonial Group International Ltd. and its affiliates (together “CGI”) does not provide medical advice. The information provided in this podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered in any circumstances to constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  

Should you have any healthcare-related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider/professional without delay.  CGI shall not be liable for any diagnostic and/or treatment decision made by you or anyone else in reliance on any information provided by CGI via this podcast, any other Program newsletter or through the program itself. 

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