Get Up & Go Green Smoothie

Get Up & Go Green Smoothie

Servings per recipe: 2

Total Cost of Meal: $6.25


  • Vitamin A 45%

  • Vitamin B6 25%

  • Vitamin C 37%

  • Calcium 23%

  • Iron 11%

  • Magnesium 19%

Nutritional Information:

Total Calories: 205kcal

Total Fats: 1.9 g

Total Carbohydrates: 45g

Total Proteins: 6.1g

Total Cholesterol: 4mg

Total Sodium: 76mg


  • 3 Tbsp 2% Greek Yogurt

  • 4oz Apple

  • ½ Banana

  • 2 cups Baby Spinach leaves

  • 2 Tbsp Old Fashion Oats

  • 1 cup Ice


  • Chop the apple and banana into large chunks.

  • Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend until smooth.

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