Champions Corner: Atlantic Medical

Champions Corner: Atlantic Medical

In an effort to encourage member participation month by moth, this year, the Wellness Champions at AMI have piggy-backed off of the Managers in Motion challenge, which was debuted in last quarter’s edition of Zest.

Each month, a champion takes the initiative to host a wellness- related activity to keep members engaged in the program. This promotion has developed out of an awareness that members rely on Virgin Pulse challenges for an activity boost, but otherwise remain inactive. By implementing Champions in Motion,Virgin Pulse members at AMI have an event to look forward to each month.
The schedule for Champions in Motion, which occurs on the last Thursday of every month, was devised by drawing Champions’ names for each month of the year.

So far, members have had the opportunity to participate in a cardio kickboxing class, an ergonomics lunch and learn, and a CrossFit training session. Champions are encouraged to choose from a wide range of activities to keep the promotion unique each month.

Rock Star Member: Nate Holland

Rock Star Member: Nate Holland

Colonial in the Community

Colonial in the Community