Cultivate Healthy Thoughts - WHIL course

Cultivate Healthy Thoughts - WHIL course

As a member of the CG Zest Wellness community, with access to the CG Zest Wellness platform powered by Virgin Pulse, a new Whil Course is now available, called Cultivate Healthy Thoughts.

“Focus. Positive and negative emotions cannot occupy the mind at the same time.”

- Joe Burton

This course walks users through social-emotional learning to manage their thoughts to make calm, confident, and optimistic.

The four (4) sessions in the course are:

  • Set healthy boundaries [~7 minutes]

  • Manage your emotions [~9 minutes]

  • Be optimistic [~7 minutes]

  • Develop confidence [~6 minutes]

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, go out and get busy.”

- Dale Carnegie

To access this course, open the Virgin Pulse app through the desktop or mobile version. Then, click the Benefits tab, select the View All heading, and scroll down to WHIL – Cultivate Healthy Thoughts.

“An optimistic outlook enables you to expect that good things will happen in your life. Instead of worrying, visualize what you want.”

- American Psychological Association

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