I Don't Have Time To Get Healthy

I Don't Have Time To Get Healthy

A tiny blog about the secret to successful change over time inspired by “TINY HABITS – the small changes that change everything” – BJ Fogg. 

Who has the time to cook a healthy meal every day? Exercise for 30 minutes?  Write in a gratitude journal?  Read more books? TIME pressure is a huge barrier for most of us.  It gets in the way of doing things we know will make us feel better and live healthier.   

 “I just don’t have the time” – said most people who didn’t change anything in their lives.

Instead of putting yourself down on what you have not changed or achieved to date, consider spending some time learning how to overcome the time pressure and how to create behavior change and build on tiny changes or habits over time.

We recommend reading (or listening to the audiobook)  “TINY HABITS – the small changes that change everything” – BJ Fogg.  Why?  Because learning “tiny habits” will fast track your efforts and make you feel success quickly and build sustainable change over time. 

For change or growth, we often hear “think big!”  THE expert in behavior change, Author BJ Fogg, recommends to instead “think tiny!”. This book explains HOW to maximize your time and efforts by starting small, with tiny actions, repeatedly over time with a proven methodology for successful behavior change.   

When it comes to lifestyle change and getting healthy we don’t want to keep failing so sometimes we just don’t start.  We want to ensure we get it right, consistency, making the habit stick, making the success last.  Building tiny habits will give you the confidence and reassurance that positive lifestyle change IS POSSIBLE and can start today in the same amount of time it took you to browse the internet for memes.  *Meme addiction may vary.

Just because you can’t change everything all at once doesn’t mean you can’t change something small right now.

Most of us have the information, the knowledge that more exercise and eating healthy food will lead to a healthier lifestyle.  Great.  Information alone will not change us.  We need to tap into our emotions and how we feel. 

You can start today.  Stop.  Just for 60 seconds.

Write down, one tiny thing that you can start tomorrow morning that will elevate your health.

Make it something really tiny, something you can do in 30 seconds.  Like drinking a glass of water, then get specific.  For example, I will drink a glass of water, specifically: in my favorite glass when I walk into the kitchen in the morning before I prepare my breakfast.

How do you feel now knowing you took a tiny step towards better health?

  • Once you complete your “tiny habit” spend the remaining 30 seconds absorbing how you feel (this is just as important as the new habit action).

  • Go further and log it on your Zest Wellness platform.  (that will contribute towards solid rewards in your corporate wellness program). 

Allow room for setbacks and imperfection. To pivot and learn about your behavior change is a process and not a waste of time. Just like the habit you are trying to create, learning about behavior change is valuable and part of your change journey and a great place to start.

Don’t waste your time searching online; Zest Wellness understands you don’t have much time so here you go, the Amazon link for the book/audiobook is right here.  No problem. Enjoy! For more information on Tiny habits here is a cool lockdown resource: check this out too.


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