Running could help you live longer.

Running could help you live longer.

Did you know?

...running marathons could help you live longer?

In a recent research study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, researchers found that first-time marathon participants (ages 21 to 69 years) increased their life expectancy. This study followed 138 participants that committed to a 6 to 13 miles/week training schedule and they experienced a four-year reduction in their “vascular age”.

Based on years of research, as we become older the walls of our arteries become thicker and stiffer. This forces the human heart to work much harder to pump blood around the body. While this is a normal process of aging, it can contribute to the risk of cardiovascular disease and kidney disease.

The act of training for a marathon or completing a marathon, even at a relatively low exercise intensity, reduces systolic and diastolic central blood pressure by 4mm HG and 3mm Hg respectively. This also reduces the aortic stiffness and thickness which is equivalent to a 4 year reduction in vascular age.

We encourage you to join a track club or start one on your own with your friends. You can also participate in local Fun Run Walks and Marathons.

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