Tools to Stay Hydrated

Tools to Stay Hydrated

We all know that we should drink more water, but like any other healthy habit, it can be difficult to get started.  Staying hydrated is essential to our health, and therefore has numerous benefits to skin, health, weight loss, and energy levels. 

The standard recommendation is to drink 8 glasses of water each day.  To fit these in, drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up, and with every meal.  Also be sure to drink before, during, after exercise.

During the warmer months, it is easier to remember to stay hydrated, but as the weather cools, we may need some more active reminders.  Here are some ways to stick to your water intake goals.

Zest Wellness members can take advantage of the built-in trackers within Virgin Pulse.  Choose these healthy habits to focus on, and receive a reminder whenever you log in to your account.

You can also track your water intake when you log your meals in MyFitnessPal for the day.  Staying hydrated is just as important as making healthy food choices!

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Other tracking options to remind you to drink up:

  1. Track whenever you have a glass of water with apps like Hydrate Daily or Plant Nanny

  2. Purchase a stylish glass or stainless steel water bottle that you can bring on the go. As an added bonus, this is much better for the environment than using plastic bottles.

  3. Create your own reminders like setting an alarm on your phone.

Water too bland? Try mixing it up with flavored water, or brewing some tea.  Another way to get more water into your diet is by eating food with higher water content, such as fruit, vegetables, broth, and oatmeal.

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