Lifestyle Check-Up

Lifestyle Check-Up

Introducing the CG Zest Wellness “Lifestyle check-up” with Nurse Sharon.

While our in-person biometric screening events are on hold, we still want to reach out and support our members with a personalized lifestyle check-up. We at CG Zest Wellness wish to adapt our services to meet our clients where they are at, virtually.   

Our members have the opportunity to have an appointment with our CG Zest Wellness Nurse Sharon.  

Nurse Sharon has over ten years of clinical experience and specializes in workplace health and wellness. Sharon is passionate about preventative initiatives that can inspire healthier individuals, workplaces, and ultimately communities. In lockdown, Nurse Sharon and the CG Zest Wellness team designed the “CG Zest Wellness Virtual Lifestyle Check-up” initiative inspired by our members who still strive for well-being in the most challenging of times.  

What is a CG Zest Wellness Virtual Lifestyle Check-up?

It is a 20-minute interactive phone conversation with Nurse Sharon. 

This is an opportunity to discuss your wellness goals and realistic lifestyle modifications to improve your overall well-being. Essentially a “check-up” on your lifestyle and support for building healthy habits. 

5 Reasons to schedule your lifestyle check-up with Nurse Sharon:

  1. Enjoy time dedicated to your well-being. With so much happening in 2020, time can feel endless. Scheduling time to have a lifestyle check-up is one way to capture 20 minutes and make it productive for your well-being.

  2. Plan for sustainable change.  Plan a tiny lifestyle modification to re-start your wellness journey. At CG Zest Wellness, we believe in proven methods that lead to sustainable behavior change. We know that tiny habits can lead to significant behavior change that leads to healthier lifestyles over time. Want to learn more about tiny habits before your appointment? Click here to view our CG ZEST FEST keynote speaker Amy Vest’s presentation on behavior change and tiny habits

  3. Re-focus on what you want to achieve.  Wellness, like individuals, is personal and unique. Don’t feel you need to follow a trend or a fad to be well. Instead of focusing on what you “should” be doing to lead a healthier lifestyle, focus on what you can, and want to improve. For example, trial participants have planned for healthier nutrition, being more active, professional development, time management, consistency with workouts, eating more creatively, diversifying workouts, and more!

  4. Be accountable! You will receive a personal reminder to action your goal and are invited to share your success with your fellow CG Zest Wellness community on social media by tagging @cgzestwellness.

  5. Get rewarded! You will receive a virtual voucher code for 1000 points for completing this wellness initiative as a way to celebrate your progress and commitment to your well-being. These CG Zest Wellness points will go towards your workplace incentive program.  

Registration link:


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