Rockstar Member: Rob Vazquez

Rockstar Member: Rob Vazquez

Zest Wellness member, Rob Vazquez has transformed his life by creating and sticking to his new lifestyle habits. Among many of his accomplishments on the Zest Wellness program, Rob has lost 96 pounds.

“I set out on a mission to get healthy in ways that I actually enjoyed.” - Rob Vazquez

We sat down with Rob to ask him some questions about his success and consistency. Keep reading to hear more about what makes Rob a Zest Wellness Rockstar!

What were your fitness/wellness goals when you first started Zest Wellness?
I had done things like this so many times before, but "this time" I told myself this time would be different. So rather than setting a goal, I set out on a mission to get healthy in ways that I actually enjoyed. For example, swimming and pedal biking. The goal was to do it every single day, rain or shine.. and of course, eating better (limiting fast foods), and drinking lots and lots of water. I also consumed 3 to 4 ounces of apple cider vinegar a day.

What are some of your fitness/wellness goals right now?
Continue to exercise regularly - in fact, every day if possible.

What exercise has helped you hit your fitness/wellness goals?
Pedal biking - I really enjoy the freedom it provides, not to mention the hour away from my cell phone.

What tips or tricks would you give another Zest Wellness member trying to reach their fitness/wellness goals?
Take a deep breath, life is long and so is the journey toward your goals... I can tell you that no goal [fitness or otherwise] is ever met until the person is ready both mentally and physically to do so.

What is your daily step count and how do you ensure you reach it every day?
I don’t count steps... it’s distracting… I simply make sure I move every day.

What motivates you to stay on track with your health and fitness goals?
The fact that it makes me feel great! It’s nice to be able to buy clothes off the rack!

What is your favorite healthy snack?
Rice cakes

What is your favorite exercise?
Pedal biking

What is something that has surprised you on your wellness journey?
The number of meds I am no longer taking!

Congratulations on all your hard work Rob!

Zest Wellness is a comprehensive Wellness Program for Colonial Medical, Atlantic Medical, and BritCay Premier Health Members.  Learn more and sign up at

Colonial Group International Ltd. and its affiliates (together “CGI”) does not provide medical advice. The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered in any circumstances to constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  

Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider/professional without delay.  CGI shall not be liable for any diagnostic and/or treatment decision made by you or anyone else in reliance on any information provided by CGI via this podcast, any other Program newsletter or through the Program itself.  

Should any unexpected medical event occur while you are participating in the Program, please seek medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a physician or qualified health care provider/professional without delay.

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