Your Cayman Wellness Connection

Your Cayman Wellness Connection

With CGI’s Wellness Program expanding to reach more members, local coordinators have been put in place in each jurisdiction to ensure the program is operated effectively and members are able to make the most of the program. Look out for your wellness coordinator at the next health fair, or attending a Virgin Pulse fitness class.

Q: Tell us a bit about your experience in the health and wellness field.

A: As an elementary, High School and College Athlete, I have always been aware of the need for good health, wellness and Fitness. During my college years, I was taught the benefits of incorporating a proper wellness and fitness program into my daily lifestyle in order to maintain a high level of athleticism. I was able to design a workout routine for my teammates and I that not only showed vast results but also in short period of time. I still use this routine to this day and it has allowed me to still be very active in competitive sports.

Q: What challenges are you looking forward to in the position of Wellness Coordinator?

A: I look forward to finding new ways to keep our members motivated. As a self- motivator, I understand that it lies within and seeing the results motivates me to thrive. I also realize that not everyone can do that and they need someone to help bring that motivation out. Not everyone can get motivated the same way and sometimes it takes creativity and encouragement to help people find that. Yes, that can be challenging, but with the right motivation I can help anyone to
achieve their wellness goal.

Q: How do you see yourself making a difference in this position?

A: I am a prime example of what a proper wellness and fitness program can help a person achieve. I am not only advising clients on the benefits of a wellness program, I am reaping the benefits and giving them a Birdseye view of results. When advising people of the benefits I also like to give my personal testimony of how the program works for me and the ways I keep myself motivated. It amazes me how the visual works along with the verbal and written benefits of a wellness program.

Q: Do you see health and wellness as a growing field?

A: In Cayman, 90% of the companies are looking to incorporate some type of wellness or fitness program for their employees. They are finally understanding that a healthy and fit employee is a productive and focused employee that comes to work every day and lives a healthier lifestyle. They also realize these programs helps keep health insurance premiums from rising so quickly and usage rates of medical services will generally be lower. They are seeing trends around the world of companies with wellness committees bringing corporate wellness and nutritional guidance on healthy eating.And the trend is steadfastly growing.

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Rock Star Member: Charisse Campbell

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