Your Local Wellness Connection

Your Local Wellness Connection

With the CGI Wellness Program expanding to reach more members, local coordinators have been put in place to ensure the program is operated effectively and members are able to make the most of the program. Look out for your wellness coordinator at the next health fair, or attending a Virgin Pulse fitness class.

Tell us a bit about your experience in the health and wellness field.

Before I moved to Bermuda this past November, I was very involved in my company’s wellness programs; educating employees on how to utilize the programs. I also held a position at local gym, surrounding myself with personal trainers, nutritionists, and co-workers who encouraged and lead a healthy lifestyle. My passion for health and wellness has grown since graduating college and finding the right balance in my professional and personal life.

What challenges are you looking forward to in the position as Wellness Coordinator?

 I feel my biggest challenge will be having the individual commitment of each participant. My goal is to continue to get to know colleagues, co-workers and individuals and encourage them to participate in Colonial’s wellness. With motivation, I hope Bermuda will continue to see results and be excited to get involved with our wellness program and partnership with Virgin Pulse.

How do you see yourself making a difference in this position?

I will help make a difference in this position with my enthusiasm and positive attitude. I plan to help keep clients and individuals accountable for making a change and to maintain a healthy active lifestyle. I hope that with this wellness plan it will be easier to influence others to focus on a healthier way.

Do you see health and wellness as a growing field?

Health and wellness has always been important but currently companies are taking the subject more seriously. With obesity on the rise as well as diabetes and other chronic conditions, the need for healthy living increases. It is important to educate the public on healthy eating habits, appropriate amounts of exercise, and healthy lifestyles. I see this industry growing rapidly as companies are investing.


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