Nutrition Month Cooking Demo

Nutrition Month Cooking Demo

March is Nutrition Month and to cap it all off, the CG Zest Wellness team went into the kitchen to provide you with three fantastic and healthy options to add to your recipe book.

On our menu were a vegetarian-friendly black bean and hummus burrito wrap paired with a beet and berry fresh juice!

The black bean and hummus burrito wrap is a well-balanced meal of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. We used a whole wheat flour tortilla (our carb!), black beans, spinach, and hummus to represent our proteins, and olive oil in the hummus and used with cooking the vegies that give us those heart-healthy fats.

There are of course all sorts of health benefits to eating enough vegetables daily. This recipe provides an array of colorful vegetables that will support your nutritional health. We added red peppers which are high in potassium, a great source of fiber, and vitamin C as well as some onions, mushrooms, and corn. Mushrooms are high in vitamin D, stimulate a healthier gut, and support a healthy immune system. Corn is an antioxidant, rich in vitamin C, and a good source of carotenoids that aid in eye health. Watch Donovan put it all together below!

Looking for a simple hummus recipe? Find our no-frills recipe here but you can always get creative and add in healthy flavors or your own. Try adding a few basil leaves or fresh cilantro, many cooks love to add cumin or spice it up with fresh cayenne pepper! Putting your own personal healthy spin on this great spread always adds an element of fun in the kitchen.

The Beet & Berry Fresh Juice is a lovely addition to our healthy lunch. Those blood-red beets are rich in folate which plays a key role in growth and function and can reduce the risk of heart disease. Strawberries are an excellent source of magnesium supporting muscle and nerve function not to mention the antioxidants and vitamin C.

Pro tip! Pass on those concentrated lemon squeeze bottles for fresh lemon. πŸ‹

There you have it! You are all ready to have a great, nutrition-packed lunch courtesy of Donovan and the CG Zest Wellness team.

Download our black bean and hummus burrito recipe and The Beet & Berry Fresh Juice recipe with a simple click.

Enjoy and happy, healthy eating!

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