6 Essential Things To Know About CG Zest Wellness Biometric Screenings

6 Essential Things To Know About CG Zest Wellness Biometric Screenings

At CG Zest Wellness we want our clients to be able to make informed choices about their health and lifestyle behaviors to enable them to live life at their optimum level of health and wellbeing.  One of the many programs we offer to Zest Wellness clients is an annual biometric screening.  

Here are 6 essential things to know about CG Zest Wellness biometric screenings.



Members will get a digital invitation from their group administration with the registration portal link.  The same link can be used to access results after the screening event. 

Each appointment is approximately 20 minutes and scheduling and event management will be facilitated in line with local COVID-19 measures in place.

We recommend that members select a time that is suitable for them and their work schedule.  That way they feel more relaxed during the assessment.  


Members have the option to fast. 

If they choose to fast they must only consume water and their regular medication 8 hours prior to their appointment.  Fasting members receive 2 additional results.  These measurements are“LDL-bad cholesterol” and “Triglycerides” -fat in the blood. 

It’s absolutely ok not to fast and non-fasting results still provide a good insight into a health risk for wellness screening purposes.


A Nurse will take blood pressure and a finger-prick blood sample, followed by a body composition assessment by standing on a scale. 

Finger prick (capillary) blood sample measures

·       Lipid profile (Total cholesterol, Triglycerides, HDL, LDL, TC:HDL ratio)

·       Glucose (aka blood sugar – which can indicate if diabetes is a risk)

Blood pressure: Systolic and diastolic

Pulse:  Resting Heart Rate

Body composition: with InBody.

·       Total weight

·       SMM (Skeletal muscle mass)

·       Fat mass

·       Body fat percentage

·       Body Mass Index (BMI)

·       Waist and Hip Ratio




Screening results do not diagnose but aim to detect any risks for the individual. 

A Registered Nurse will provide consultation, explaining what the results mean and identifying the next steps for each individual.  A strong focus is on preventative measures and healthy lifestyle choices. 


Once the member has completed their screening they will be able to view their results on the biometric platform. 

The company will have access to aggregate biometric results, which can be used to tailor their CG Zest Wellness program and monitor progress.


Non-diagnostic screenings can provide a health status snapshot of an individual’s cardiovascular and diabetes risk based on blood sampling, body composition, and blood pressure. 

Biometric screenings are non-diagnostic. Biometric screenings can highlight a member's need for attending an annual physical for diagnostic care with their primary care physician. 


Now that you know what to expect, see your Group Administrator for details on your next biometric screening.  Any other questions? Contact your local CG Zest Wellness Coordinator to learn more!


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