Virtual Doctor's Appointment Prep
Preparing for your doctor’s visit can ensure a better experience and a more collaborative approach to your health management with your physician or healthcare provider. Due to the restrictions on in-person visits, virtual consults provide an alternative option and are becoming more and more common yet most of us may never have had a virtual appointment before.
Here are some tips from Nurse Sharon for before, during, and after your virtual consult:
Before the virtual consult:
Charge your device.
Headphones can make it easier to listen if you are on your own.
Set a reminder for your appointment time.
Plan ahead what you want to say. Sometimes we expect doctors and nurses to read our minds.They are superheroes but mind reading isn't their superpower so help them help you by communicating what your concerns are.
Need guidance? Use our FREE appointment “Game plan” to get organized.
Gather the details
Have your insurance card to hand for ease of reference.
Locate your recent self-check measurements (e.g. blood glucose or blood pressure readings).
Keep a pain diary or a symptom diary - this can help you communicate how your condition has been managed and give your Doctor a more detailed assessment. The American Cancer Society has a FREE pain diary.
o More information on pain diaries can be found on our Zest Wellness Webinar: Becoming an Empowered Patient.
Mental health concerns are challenging to express at the best of times, here are some tips while trying to communicate what’s going on in terms of YOUR mental health:
Write down the difficulty you have been experiencing so you can explain your struggle with more ease over the phone.
Note how long you have been feeling this way and ways that it has been affecting your quality of life, poor sleep, appetite, anxiety.
During the virtual consult:
Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed and feel comfortable discussing your health issue (physical or mental).
If you feel comfortable ask someone to listen in. They can take notes for you.
Refer to your notes and question list.
Take notes: write down questions.
Be mindful to actively listen. Asking questions is a vital part of your collaborative relationship with your Doctor or healthcare provider. Listening is also vital. Create space to hear your Doctors professional opinion.
Use our FREE get it DUN worksheet as a template to guide you and as a place to write your notes: DUN will help you clarify...
Diagnosis status?
Understand the plan?
Next steps?
Sample questions to ask are:
What are the next steps?
What do I need to do next?
Do I need to follow up and when?
Is your condition impacted by COVID. Any special considerations?
After the virtual consult:
Take-charge: Make a personal plan for how you will action the medical advice provided.
What are your self care responsibilities (e.g. lifestyle modification/medication management/monitoring your blood pressure)
Use medication reminders (set an alarm on your phone)
Follow up:
Schedule your next follow up.
Find out when you get your test results.
Call your clinic if you haven’t heard back in the timeline provided.
Keep tracking
Examples include self-checking your blood pressure, your pain/symptoms. This will help at your next review to see if the intervention worked.
Zest Wellness members can track their healthy habits (medication management) and stats (blood pressure) using our app.
Image: Example of tracking blood pressure under “stats” on Zest Wellness.
Get support with lifestyle modification:
If quitting smoking or a specific lifestyle modification was recommended we have a wealth of support and resources for you online and on the app with our new “Journeys” feature.
Inform friends and family to support you in maintaining your healthy lifestyle goals.
We also have a resource for pregnancy to guide you on this health journey.
Image: Example of tobacco free journey guide on the Zest Wellness program.
Image: Example of pregnancy guide on the Zest Wellness program.
Tips if your doctor requires an in-person visit:
Not all health issues can be dealt with virtually. In line with local regulations your doctor may advise that further tests may be required and an in-person assessment be carried out in the clinic. This can be daunting, however there will be guidance available from your doctor’s office and local government to ensure you are following best practice and keeping yourself and community safe.
Get organized
Ask if you need to fast for blood tests and from what time.
Bring your mask, hand sanitizer and paperwork and insurance card.
Wear your mask during your visit and remove for examination when instructed to do so.
Practice hand hygiene before and after your visit. Don’t forget the WHO hand hygiene steps!
Not just a quick rub.
Maintain social distance.
Follow advice of the clinic and local government.
Stay informed
o Review the updated recommendations for COVID safe practice:
Request from your clinic (likely online or ask for the information to be e-mailed). E.G. Find out about details of waiting room location and specific instructions.
Follow local government guidance on protecting yourself CLICK HERE for up to date information.
Free related resources:
Free webinar: Becoming An Empowered Patient which provides more details on choosing your healthcare team, self-monitoring, planning for your doctor’s visit and tips for staying on track with lifestyle change.
Managing diabetes in quarantine checklist and blog.
Zest Wellness Podcasts and Webinars on smoking cessation, diabetes, nutrition, mental health and more!