Yoga For WFH Desk Pain

Yoga For WFH Desk Pain

For many of us, we are working from home at dining room tables, on couches, or even from bed. Repeatedly working like this is bound to cause some aches and pains! Try the below poses in this sequence and see how you feel afterward. Remember to modify, listen to your body, and enjoy!

Figure 4

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Laying on your back, feet flat on the mat and knees bent, cross your right ankle over your left knee. Press your right knee out until you feel a stretch in your right hip. If this is enough, stay here. If you want more, use your hands to lift your left leg to the sky, keeping your right knee pressing out. Hold this as long as it feels good for you. Switch sides.


This pose can also be done standing for an added challenge.


Stretches lower back, opens and stretches hips and hamstrings. When you raise one leg to the sky, this also helps with circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Supported Bridge Pose

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Laying on your back, feet flat on the mat and knees bent, lift your hips and place a block or bolster under your lower back. This prop should rest on your tailbone, and you should not feel any pinching or tightness. Rest here for as long as you need.


If you do not have yoga props at home, you can use household objects. Books, pillows, even pots, and pans will work for this pose. If you use a prob that is very hard, try layering a soft blanket or towel over top. To make the pose easier, use a lower prop.


Helps to ease lower back pain, also very good for stress. It can help with stomach cramps and general stomach discomfort.

Shoulder shrugs

This can be done anywhere! Sitting in a comfortable position, shrug your shoulders to your ears. Hold them there, then exhale and relax them down. Do this a few times, and feel the weight of your shoulder relaxing each time.


None. If you have any pain, do not continue with this pose.


Eases shoulder and neck tension.

Forward Fold

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Standing in mountain pose, fold forward at your hips with your back flat, until you have reached your full extension. Keep your knees soft, do not lock your joints. This will look different for all! Some can touch the floor, others may need blocks. When you get to your place, relax. Let your head feel heavy, shaking your head yes and no. To come back to standing, rise up slowly, stacking your vertebrae one on top of the other.


Use a block to rest your hands or arms. Bend your knees as much as you need.


Stretches and elongates your spine, neck, glutes, and hamstrings.

Supported Fish Pose

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Get two props: block, cushion, foam roller, or book. Place them on your mat in a T formation, and sit on your mat with the props behind you. Lay down over your props, so that the props are between your shoulder blades and are supporting your upper back and head. Lengthen your legs, ensuring that your lower back is long and flat, tucking your pelvis if you feel any pinching. Spread your arms wide. Hold the pose for as long as it feels good, at least 10 breaths. To get out of the pose, roll to one side, clear your prop, and roll back on your back. Feel the openness and difference that the pose has made.


The larger the prop the more effective this pose will be.


Opens the muscles at the front of your chest, a place that we hold tension while we are working. Reverses our hunched over posture. Great for shoulders, neck, stress, and anxiety.

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