Yoga For Grounding
Mountain Pose
Standing with your feet hip width distance apart, let your hands fall to your sides. Imagine rooting down through your feet; heels, toes, and insoles. Lift your chin and bring your gaze directly in front of you. Now soften your gaze, unclench your jaw, and relax as you inhale and exhale. Stay in the pose as long as needed, at least 5 deep breaths.
Good for centering, balance, and meditation.
Thread the Needle
From a tabletop position; reach your right arm up to the sky while you inhale. As you exhale, weave your right arm underneath your body, until you are able to rest your right cheek on the mat and you are resting on your right shoulder. Keep your hips square. Once you feel complete, switch sides.
MODIFICATIONS: Put a blanket under your knees. Once in the pose, you can extend one leg at a time, maintaining your balance, and keep the pose soft. Ensure that you keep both sides similar in movement and length of the hold.
Stretches the shoulders and neck, gentle twist in the spine.
Downward Facing Dog
From a tabletop position, tuck your toes and lift your shins off your mat. Imagine pressing your hips to the sky, as you straighten your legs and let your heels go towards your mat. Your index finger should be pointing towards the front of the mat, and your shoulder blades are away from your ears and across your back. Your gaze is at your toes.
MODIFICATIONS: Keep your knees bent as much as you need. Pedal your feet out if that feels good. Extend one leg at a time to the ceiling, opening your hip. Flow forward from downward-facing dog into a plank pose, then into a backbend of your choice, and back again; ensuring to keep the movement fluid. Explore this pose, and then find stillness as you take 5 deep inhales and exhales.
Stretches out all leg muscles, lengthens and strengthens your spine and core, calms the nervous system.
Childs Pose
Bring toes together to touch. Needs wide or together, whichever feels best. Send your hips down towards your heels. Reach arms forward, lengthening the spine. Rest forehead on the mat.
MODIFICATIONS: Use a bolster to lay on. No bolster? Use a couple of couch pillows. If you want to open your shoulders, you can bring your palms together, keeping elbows to the mat, and raise your palms to the sky. For a side stretch, reach both arms to one side of the mat, keeping your forehead heavy and rested. Switch sides.
Loosens the hips, stretches the lower back and quads. Deeply restorative. Hold for as long as you like!
Corpse Pose
Lay on your mat on your back. Let your feet fall where they wish to go. Let your arms rest, palms facing upward. Tuck your shoulder blades underneath your body. Let your head be heavy, and unclench your jaw. Close your eyes. Finally, let you mind be blank. If this is challenging, try imagining a time when you felt upmost relaxation or happiness. Let yourself rest as long as you need.
MODIFICATIONS: Bring the soles of your feet together, letting your knees go wide, stretching the inside of your hips. Put a pillow or rolled up towel under your knees or your lower back to protect your joints. Use a lavender eye mask, light a candle, or have soft music playing. Wrap yourself up in a blanket.
Relaxes the nervous system and the entire body. Great for stress relief, meditation, reflection, and productivity.