Wellness for Heroes

Wellness for Heroes

Change is a constant, especially during this period of our lives. Not only has a working situation changed, but also relationships, routines, plans, and daily living in general. What can come with change is stress. Front-line and essential workers can still be attending their workplaces where and we like to call these individuals are hero’s – thank you for the work you do.

Nathan Kolar is a Corporate Wellness Consultant with Colonial Group International. We had the chance to interview, and hear his words on what type of supports are available from Zest Wellness during this time, particularly to help with stress and relationships. In the following questions and answer, SL represents questions by myself, Sharon Looney, and NK represents answers from Nathan Kolar. Let’s get started!

SL: For employees, what can they use from Zest Wellness?

NK: It certainly isn’t an easy time for healthy habits. This is especially the case because happiness isn’t easy during this time either. I frequently try to think about a thought which goes…this moment is not my life but a moment in my life. From Zest, we have a new digital coaching tool called Journeys. Over the span of 10 days, a new step is provided each day for a given topic (such as stress less in 10 minutes, more veggies in no time, and set up your room for sleep). For each of the 10 days, when a new step appears, practical evidence-based suggestions are given to help integrate into your daily life. The bottom line here, Journeys are short and to the point, yet actionable. This isn’t about a complete overhaul of your life. Instead, tiny habits. You may access Journeys through the Health tab of the Zest Wellness platform, powered by Virgin Pulse.


SL: We know stress and conflicts from work don’t mix well with relationships, how can someone manage relationships from home? What about virtual communication tips?

NK: We know conflict among relationships is high during this time. We know family members, loved ones, roommates, are spending nearly all hours of the day in close quarters, seemingly shoulder-to-shoulder. No one deliberately asked for the conditions our world is currently facing, and so we must reiterate “I will not let these times get the best of me and tarnish my relationships”, “I know the odds are not stacked in my favour, or anyone’s favour.” Keep in mind these two terms during all communication, even virtual: mutual respect and mutual purpose. With solely virtual communication, tone of voice and body language which are insightful for the determination of the emotions or intentions of others, aren’t necessarily available. To help not over or under-react to responses through virtual communication, such as text messages or email, try to assume good intentions and most of all, when in doubt, seek more information. Clarify using the magic of questions. For mutual purpose, your perspective starts to shift when you realize we are all just trying to do the best we can with what we have. Rather than judging others who violate an expectation as unmotivated and therefore selfish or insensitive, we must add the possibility that maybe they actually tried to live up to their promises but ran into a barrier or challenge outside their immediate or direct control. It’s not that they wouldn’t or won’t, but alternatively, that they couldn’t or can’t. Reminding ourselves of common goals can help centre ourselves and others to become aware again that we are the same team. When you play for the name on the front of the jersey, they will remember the name on the back. Here for a few tips for healthy conversations:


SL: Employee resilience is important for managing stress. How could an employee build their resilience?

NK: Resilience is what you do when things aren’t going as originally planned and feelings of stress are beginning. Let’s go tactical with this one as here is what can help build your resilience muscle: deep breathing, seeking natural light, staying hydrated with water, taking work breaks away from your workstation, focusing on what you appreciate in life, reading for pleasure, exercising, improving sleep habits, listening to music, spending time with people who are a positive influence, nutrition, listening to enjoyable podcasts or videos, playing with children, creating a poster with images of a positive vision (strategies adapted from Plan for Resilience). What is important to keep within your mindset is to allow yourself to feel emotions so that once you do feel emotions which may be more negative in nature and characteristic of stress, such as frustration, exhaustion, or confusion, you can use tactics to help reset yourself and continue on with your day or goals. It’s what you do after the stress or emotions which matters. The waves become more manageable when we think with the end (personal vision) in mind.

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SL: What about for companies who are thinking about what steps they can do to monitor employees stress? How can companies check-in on employee stress? Stress could suddenly creep up on employees!

NK: First and foremost, a company doesn’t have to think their role is to solve or diagnose employee stress, because it certainly isn’t. Rather, the role of a company is to provide resources to support an employee, and for those resources to be as visible and safe to use as possible. What a large amount, if not all managers can indeed do, is to strive to reduce the gap between effort and recognition, as well as the gap between demand and control for employees. What this means is to be sure to recognize and appreciate employees for their efforts, as well as provide employees as much autonomy and choice as possible to help make heathy choices with regards to their work (the ability to take a break outside, shared decision-making, and leading with employee signature strengths!). Leadership may set the tone, but managers set the permission for wellness. Below are a few early or general signs of employee stress:


SL: Thank you Nathan! This was great to connect with you. I’m hoping that even during change, we can use this to integrate healthy habits into our days to make each day just a little bit easier, and healthier! It was great for you to mention the Zest Wellness platform, powered by Virgin Pulse and the new Journeys feature. I look forward to the 10-day digital coaching through Journeys. Can’t wait to keep developing my resilience muscle as well!

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