21 Days of Abundance

21 Days of Abundance

Our Zest Wellness Meditation Group is entering the last week of our 3-week meditation series!

Week 1 - We learned about and explored the reality of abundance.

Week 2 - We learned how to attract abundance into our life through the seven spiritual laws of success.

Week 3 - We will be expanding on our foundation by manifesting more abundance into our life. 

Here are some tips we learned along the way to make this process easier:

  • Schedule meditation into your day and stick to it.  First thing in the morning typically works best as you will be refreshed and set yourself up for a mindful day. Before bedtime can work as well - quieting your mind and bringing on sleep!

  • Find a comfortable quiet spot. Try to pick a consistent spot that you can go to each day.  Forget the idea that everyone sits cross-legged – if that’s not comfortable for you, try sitting in a chair with your feet on the floor. 

  • Grab a favorite notebook. During our series, we had daily tasks prior to our meditation focused on the meditation at hand.  Journaling and writing down our thoughts helped us to articulate our feelings. 

  • Get comfortable with being uncomfortable: Don’t think about what you are doing too much. Have an open mind and try not to judge if you are ‘good’ or ‘bad’ at meditating.  Like any skill, meditation is a practice that takes time to evolve.

  • Count your breaths.  Counting can quiet your mind.  You can try this simple breathing exercise – Breathe in quietly through your nose counting 2-3-4. Hold 1-2. Breathe out audibly through your mouth 2-3-4.

  • Come back to yourself when your mind wanders.  Focusing on a mantra (a group of words in Sanskrit believed by practitioners to have psychological powers) and repeating when your mind wanders helped us in this series.

  • Take what you learned in your daily practice throughout your day and spread the love! 

Want to join us for the next series? Want to share some tips with us? Leave a comment below.

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