How Nature Can Heal

How Nature Can Heal

Zoom yoga, Instagram Live HIIT classes, DVD’s of aerobic workouts; it is the time of virtual wellness!

While it is truly amazing to have so many different options at your fingertips 24/7, if you are like myself, these options do not appeal to you all of the time.

Now more than ever I find myself going back to the basics of wellness and exercise in particular, and my old favorite is emerging as my new daily routine. Instead of weekly yoga classes and trips to the gym for various classes, it is a good old-fashioned walk that is getting my heart rate up daily. That’s right, walking outside in nature is now my number one workout, and the part of my day that I look forward to most.

Due to current government restrictions, I am only able to travel within half a mile of my home in Bermuda. These restrictions are different depending on where you live, and we do ask that you adhere to your local government guidelines.

“Simply being aware of our surroundings makes us feel more connected to our environment.” - Katie Titterton

For myself, I am lucky enough to live across the street from a hotel golf course, which has provided myself and my neighbors a beautiful area to walk in nature. I do understand that most will not have this luxury, but there is still beauty to be found in exploring your neighborhood and the area surrounding your home. Try looking for flowers on your daily walk, or noticing which plants are blooming or simply noticing what is around your home. Buildings, trees, wildlife, small businesses, homes. Simply being aware of our surroundings makes us feel more connected to our environment. Walking in nature has so many other benefits as well, such as:

  • Increased productivity

  • Helps reduced stress and anxiety

  • Can help lower blood pressure

  • Helps with separation from our WFH space

  • Exercise! Those steps count towards your daily goal

  • Fresh air and Vitamin D

Give it a try today instead of your virtual workout. Grab your hat, sunscreen, and a bottle of water. Notice how your body and mind feel after you are finished. And most of all, enjoy and be safe!

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