A Common Man

A Common Man

You have thought about it, we have thought about it, and it's a series of questions looming.

How do we take care of the men in our lives who are so busy helping others, that they forget to help themselves? What if they are uncertain about helping themselves?

The complexity of men's health may not just be in the health domain itself, but the context of health in that stigma, body image, and fear. In this webinar, the CG Zest Wellness team combines their minds and experience to deliver an experience that you can walk away from with new insight to help your loved ones.

A small step can be a giant leap. We would love you to join us and interact during the moments of audience engagement during the webinar experience.

Learning objectives of this webinar include:

  • Determining which nutrition principles can impact your life.

  • Becoming aware of the tools used for prostate and testicular screening.

  • Familiarizing yourself with the mental health continuum.

  • Exposing yourself to our CG Zest Wellness health and wellness resources.

This event is not just for men, but for everyone to learn more about the health of uncles, brothers, fathers, and spouses and what you can do to support.

Is Self-Care The Most Trending Thing Now? (DIY Self-Care)

Is Self-Care The Most Trending Thing Now? (DIY Self-Care)

Nutrient Essentials For Men In The Modern Era

Nutrient Essentials For Men In The Modern Era