Nutrient Essentials For Men In The Modern Era

Nutrient Essentials For Men In The Modern Era

The year is 2020 and what we learned is that no man is an island, and difficult times make us stronger. This article addresses the concerns of men’s health and nutrition recommendations that support the development and maintenance of “a common man.” There are many versions of men worldwide, but funny enough most men need and want similar things. We all want to be healthy, purposeful, and supported. Here is a list of diets for men depending on the style of the man they wish to present to the world:

The Strong Man: Protein, Fiber, Zinc, Iodine, Magnesium, Polyphenols, Omega-3’s, Flavanols, Yoga and Exercise

A strong man is a man that is in tune with his physical or mental side or someone that wants to improve on this aspect of themselves. These men need food that supports a healthy muscular physique. Nutrients of importance for this style of man are Protein, Fiber, Zinc, Iodine, Magnesium, Polyphenols, Omega-3, and Flavanols. Yoga and exercise are also crucial components of this man’s lifestyle. 

Choosing lean meats should not be difficult, as the selection for meats with low levels of saturated fats come from chicken breast, fatty fish (salmon, sardines, herrings), eggs, and even legumes (nuts, beans, and seeds). Fatty fish is highly recommended for this style of male as it supplies a significant amount of omega-3’s to the male, in support of a healthy heart. Research tells us that a healthy male should avoid processed meats or meats high in saturated fats like red meat, bacon, and ham. The consumption of lean meats promotes muscle and bone growth and supports both the young male to the senior male. Choosing high-protein foods from vegetable sources ensures sufficient protein. It reassures males that they are consuming fiber, zinc, and magnesium sources. Non-animal sources of proteins like beans, nuts, and seeds are rich sources of these nutrients. Fiber helps men to maintain healthy digestion so that nutrients get to the target muscles of interest. Zinc helps to support a healthy heart and muscle needed when exercising and ensuring the male’s longevity. Magnesium is a nutrient forgotten by most but is a valuable addition to the male diet. This nutrient aids in protein synthesis needed to support muscle growth, muscle, and nerve function to support the physically active male and even support healthy bones to help males avoid injury. 

Iodine is a nutrient men should pay special attention to when embarking on weight loss. This nutrient helps in weight management, particularly to limit weight gain and fatigue, due to its influence on T3 & T4 hormones. These hormones fluctuate due to thyroid function. If the thyroid gland’s function is low, this leads to an increase in TSH hormone and, subsequently, lowering T3 and T4 hormones that cause weight gain. The best source of iodine is particularly from iodized salts, but other sources are shellfish and seaweed.

Other nutrients the aspiring strong male should also be aware of are polyphenols, omega-3’s, and flavanols. Flavanols are predominantly supplied from consuming the recommended 5-6 servings of fruit and vegetables each day, as proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO), and support healthy blood circulation, blood pressure, and blood cholesterol. Polyphenols are typically found in red wine and beers, a favorite beverage amongst men. These polyphenols help to support heart, brain function, and muscle maintenance. However, it is important that men manage and limit their alcohol consumption to a maximum of 2 servings per day, as recommended by the WHO because excessive alcohol consumption can lead to men’s health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer. 

To be more of a “strong man,” you will need to exercise regularly, no less than 3 days a week for 60 minutes. Studies prove that yoga and weight-bearing exercise, or a combination of both, are most beneficial for a man. Yoga provides flexibility of muscle and bones, while weight-bearing exercises support muscle growth and strength, giving the aesthetic look of masculinity all we men crave! Here is a recipe of reference to support the “strong male.”


The Reproductive Man: Selenium, Lycopene, Zinc, Allicin & Beta-Carotenes, Soy, Monounsaturated Fatty Acids

 The Reproductive male is the father of all nations. He is a man that has no issues with libido or his reproductive hormones. He is highly capable of procreation. Nutrients like selenium and zinc play a significant role in his fertility. Selenium, sourced from Brazilian nuts and various seafood, plays a major role in hormone levels. It positively supports thyroid health. Zinc, sourced from shellfish like oysters, lobster, and shrimp, is a major game-changer for infertility. Consumption of this nutrient supports the development and maintenance of the male reproductive hormones and, more importantly, sperm quality. Remember, only the strongest survives!

Other nutrients like beta-carotene, soy, and lycopene influence the health of the prostate gland. Beta-carotenes found in yellow and orange fruit and vegetables protect against an enlarged prostate and improve sperm count and motility to improve fertility. According to research, soy, sourced from soybeans, has strong potencies to protect the male from prostate cancer. Lycopene’s are antioxidants sourced from fruit and vegetables with red pigmentation. Lycopene’s are what most doctors recommend to reduce inflammation within the male body and improve sperm concentration and protection against prostate cancer. 

Monounsaturated fatty acids and allicin are found in extra virgin olive oil and garlic. Cooking with both these ingredients improves a male’s erection quality and maintenance. So, as a tip to the eager to reproduce male, it would be in your favor if you or your female counterpart incorporated both garlic and olive oil in most meals consumed. Here is a recipe of reference to support the “reproductive male.” 

The Supported Man: Cortisol, Epinephrine, Omega-3’s, Berries, Polyphenols

Every man wants to feel supported. To support ourselves, we men have to practice self-care. Self-care means taking time to take care of ourselves physically, as this impacts us mentally. It also means treating yourself with kindness and respect, avoiding negative self-talk, practicing mindfulness to put stressful things into perspective. However, most importantly, it means eating the right foods to improve health. Foods that support men against men’s mental health issues are berries like blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and even cherries, which are rich in the antioxidant anthocyanins. Eating a balanced healthy diet with an abundance of fruit and vegetables at every meal with fatty fish like herrings, salmon, and sardine supplies the body with omega-3 fatty acids that improve nerve function to support mental but also improves heart health. Be aware of alcohol consumption as this can compromise mental health. If alcohol is consumed, it should be limited to a maximum of 2 servings per day. Men should try to consume red wine or beer as these alcohol sources are beneficial in supplying polyphenols that brain function. 

Support from family & friends means having someone you can ask for help with. Seeking help is a sign of strength, and men must never see this as a sign of weakness, or you will be doing yourself more harm than good. It is also essential that men remove the stigma associated with men’s mental health to be willing to speak with a professional if advice from family & friends is either not present or non-effective. Men should be aware of hormones that severely impact mental health. Hormones like cortisol and epinephrine are stress-related hormones and fluctuate based on males’ stress levels. Higher stress levels mean cortisol levels are higher, leading to fatigue, weight gain in the mid-section, mood swings, muscle weakness, and mental fogginess. Males must manage their stress levels to limit cortisol secretion into the bloodstream, thereby affecting weight leading to medical health concerns. 

Mental stimulation comes from the food we eat but more from the people or “support” around us. Here is a recipe of reference to help the “supported male.” 

The “common man” is a man that sees a bit of themselves in each of the men mentioned in this article. It is quite normal to want to be strong, supported, and reproductive. We are men! Do not allow stigma to confuse who you want to be or how you see yourself in this world. Always allow yourself to have someone who keeps you accountable, whether your spouse, sibling, parent, friend or a trusted advisor. We at CG Zest Wellness encourage you, the “common man” to live healthy and encouraged!


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