Workplace Burnout: Tips & Resources

Workplace Burnout: Tips & Resources

Burn-out recovery: 3 Steps to find your flame again.

  • Start a conversation about how you feel. This may be with a friend, spouse, supervisor, mentor, or mental health professional.  

  • Identify resources Find out from your workplace what resources are available to support you, such as Employee Assistance Programs and wellness program offerings. 

  • Make a plan: Reflect on how you can improve your workplace stress management. Was there something in the past you did that helped you manage your workplace stress? 

Write it down and plan for self-care. 

  • If you are overwhelmed and have difficulty navigating this stressful time, it is recommended to get support from your healthcare provider. Plan your healthcare visit, and write down your concerns and symptoms to help start the conversation.

Don’t avoid stress. Recognize it early and manage it.”

10 Tips for Employees for self-care and burnout prevention:

  1. Pause for reflective time. Allowing some time to be mindful and practicing relaxation breathing techniques can help lower stress levels. Use this time to acknowledge workplace stress without judgment or self-criticism. After 10 minutes of a reflective pause, you may find clarity in your decision-making process for managing stress better.  

  2. Take a vacation. A real break, with clear boundaries with colleagues. Handover work and communicate urgent matters so you can fully enjoy your time off work unplugged. Find more tips on taking a break from work here

  3. Identify your way to burn off work steam through activity, mindfulness, meeting friends, nourishment, or anything else that relaxes you. 

  4. Find joy in your work and work with your team to play off each other’s strengths.  

  5. Schedule breaks! Allow time to nourish yourself, rest, and recharge each day.

  6. Communicate with your manager on workplace stress triggers and problem solve on a team to enhance your work-life experience. Sometimes even discussing a concern can elevate some stress.

  7. Take time to learn about and understand stress management and your mental health by exploring one of our Zest Wellness mental wellbeing webinars here. Consider setting up a listening party where you watch with colleagues.  

  8. Write it down – Explore ways to overcome workplace stress using the WOOP method.  

  9. Build resiliency with healthy habits. Become in charge of your nutrition, activity, and self-care, get Zest Wellness tips in this healthy habit blog.  

  10. Rest.  Ensure you get a good night’s sleep with these helpful sleep tips

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Workplace Burnout: What is Burnout?

Workplace Burnout: What is Burnout?