Workplace Burnout: Prevention and Management

Workplace Burnout: Prevention and Management

What is recommended to support mental wellbeing and protect against burn-out?

The CDC recommends active mental health and stress management promotion in the workplace in conjunction with an overall health culture strategy.  

The CDC recommendations towards creating a successful health culture are key components of the Zest Wellness program: 

  • Structured communication

  • Program policies from a central team

  • Support networks

  • Rewards-based incentives for healthy habits

  • Data analytics to track progress and measure effects 

8 Practical steps and resources for Organizations to prevent burnout.  

Identify the burnout status and meet your employees where they are. 

  1. Assess the Burn-out status of your employee group, e.g., Pulse Check survey. Identify the causes and design a tailored action plan to combat the key triggers. (See more on causes in Part 2). Contact your Zest Wellness Co-ordinator for a Burn-out survey template.  

  2. Make mental health self-assessment tools available to all employees. These are available for Zest Wellness members as part of the Zest Wellness Health risk assessment (HRA) on Virgin pulse.   

  3. Distribute supportive materials, such as brochures, flyers, and videos, to all employees about the signs and symptoms of poor mental health and opportunities for treatment. Our mailing list provides regular materials and downloadable resources to our Zest Wellness members.

  4. Host seminars or workshops that address depression and stress management techniques, such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, and meditation, to help employees reduce anxiety and stress and improve focus and motivation. Check out our Zest Wellness Webinars here.  

  5. Create and maintain dedicated, quiet spaces for relaxation activities. Find tips for creating a Zen space here

  6. Provide managers with training to help them recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and depression in team members and encourage them to seek help from qualified mental health professionals. Save time on searching. Contact your Zest Wellness Co-ordinator for local providers that can facilitate this type of training.

  7. Give employees opportunities to participate in decisions about issues that affect job stress. Request a custom mental wellbeing pulse check survey from your Zest Wellness Co-ordinator.

  8. Encourage mindfulness practice in the workplace. For remote teams, consider a virtual team retreat or a mindfulness session. Check out Michael Apollo, a Zest Wellness virtual mindfulness Vendor.  

Workplace Burnout: What is Burnout?

Workplace Burnout: What is Burnout?

Workplace Burnout: Causes and Triggers

Workplace Burnout: Causes and Triggers