Rockstar Member: Rowkrishna Jones

Rockstar Member: Rowkrishna Jones

“…the overall feeling of being healthy, keeps me going. When I started working out I noticed my mood changed and I generally felt better about myself.” - Rowkrishna Jones

Zest Wellness member, Rowkrishna Jones has transformed her body and her mind by changing her habits & staying consistent.

Keep reading to hear more about what makes Rowkrishna a Zest Wellness rockstar!

What were your fitness/wellness goals when you first started Zest Wellness?

My initial goal was to lose weight as I had put on a considerable amount. It was becoming very frustrating. None of my clothes fit which made me even more frustrated…I didn't realize I had gained so much weight!

 What are some of your fitness/wellness goals now?

Currently, my goal is to lose 10 more pounds. Long term, I would like to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle which includes developing a healthy work life-balance, making healthy food choices and keeping consistent with my workouts.

What exercise has helped you hit your fitness/wellness goals?

Mostly weight training. I try to do 20 mins of cardio at least 3 times a week in addition to lifting weights.

 What tips or tricks would you give another Zest Wellness member trying to reach their fitness/wellness goals?

First off, consistency is key! Most days I didn't feel like working out especially after a long day but I started packing my gym bag so that I could go to the gym straight from work. I am less likely to go to the gym when I go home first.

Secondly, I got in the habit of meal prepping. Working out is fine but if you are not making wise food choices then you are being counter productive. Additionally, I have found that prepping meals has reduced my chances of "bad" eating since I already had something prepared for the day. Also, it helps me to see what foods work for me as I basically eat the same types of food everyday. If you have a craving for a burger, ice cream etc. set a day for a cheat meal, just don't over do it. Or even if you have a bad day and don't stick your meal plan, don't wallow in it. Just start fresh the next day.

What is your daily step count and how do you ensure you reach it every day?

My daily step count averages between 4,000-5,000 on non-work out days. I usually try to aim for a minimum of 7,000 but that is not always possible for me if I don’t work out. When I do get to work out I average between 8,000-10,000. To ensure I get my steps I usually try to move every hour and use the treadmill or elliptical when I do cardio. 

 What motivates you to stay on track with your health and fitness goals?

What mainly keeps me motivated is not wanting to undo all the work I have put in to get to a comfortable weight. I didn't like the feeling of being frustrated or upset when I was at my heaviest so I don't want to get back to that point. Plus the overall feeling of being healthy, keeps me going. When I started working out I noticed my mood changed and I generally felt better about myself.

What is your favorite Zest wellness feature?

I like the program challenges. Internally, we have a step challenge amongst staff so this gives everyone an extra push to keeping moving so that you can be at the top of the board every week.

 What is your favorite healthy snack?

My go to snack is an apple.

What is your favorite exercise?

I am a big fan of weight lifting in general but my default exercise would be weighted squats.

What is something that has surprised you on your wellness journey?

One thing that has surprised me is that I have been able to motivate people to pursue their own fitness goals just by staying committed to my own goals and them seeing my results.

Zest Wellness is a comprehensive Wellness Program for Colonial Medical, Atlantic Medical, and BritCay Premier Health Members.  Learn more and sign up at

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Should you have any health care related questions, please call or see your physician or other qualified health care provider/professional without delay.  CGI shall not be liable for any diagnostic and/or treatment decision made by you or anyone else in reliance on any information provided by CGI via this podcast, any other Program newsletter or through the Program itself.  

Should any unexpected medical event occur while you are participating in the Program, please seek medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from a physician or qualified health care provider/professional without delay.


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