Morning Routine

Morning Routine

Start off the day on the right foot by establishing a morning routine.  Write down a list of the tasks you need to get done every day.  What are some things that you could knock out first thing in the morning?  What are some things that you want to get done, but always get pushed?  Scheduling time for the things we have to do also means we can leave time to focus on the things we want to do.  Here are some suggestions for a productive morning.


Get to bed on time: The best start to a productive morning is a good night's rest.  Set your alarm early enough to give yourself enough time to accomplish your morning to-do list.  The recommended amount of sleep is 7-9 hours per night.  If you could use a little help deciding when to go to bed, or calming your mind to fall asleep, try the Virgin Pulse Sleep Guide for resources like the bedtime calculator and other tracking tools.



Eat a balanced breakfast: Include protein, healthy fats, and a serving of fruit and/or vegetables.  This will keep you satiated and give you energy to take on the day.  Try prepping some easy grab-and-go options if you don't have time to cook every morning.



Do something active:  Scheduling time to work out in the morning means you will be sure to get it done before the distractions of the day come up.  Starting your day with a workout also leads to a healthier day because you are more likely to stay active throughout the day, and make healthier food choices.



Clear your mind:  Take a few moments to yourself and set your intentions for the day.  This could be through journaling, reading, or a morning meditation.  Sit quietly, or try a moving meditation with yoga or a walk.  If you are new to meditation, try a guided meditation on YouTube or an app like Headspace

Ease into a new routine by making small changes like moving your bedtime back in 15 minute increments, or adding one new task each week.  The purpose is to get your day started in the best way to accomplish what you need.  Make your routine work for you!



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