Set a Meaningful Resolution

Set a Meaningful Resolution

What comes to mind when you think of New Year's resolutions?  A great way to set intentions for the year to come, or an exercise in futility?

The trouble with a traditional resolution is that we treat them like a glorified wish.  We may start out strong for a few days or even weeks but eventually let it go.

This year, if you are going to go through the effort of setting a New Year's resolution, do yourself a favor and set a resolution that sticks!  These are some steps that can help you create a strong resolution and actually succeed!

1. Think about your "Why"

Simon Sinek's "Start With Why" Ted Talk has over 36 million views, and with good reason.  If you want to make a change, knowing what and how is just the start.  Watch the Ted Talk, and try this self-assessment from Simon's website and get ready find your why.

2. Craft a SMART Goal

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.  When you develop your resolution, you are creating a plan that will help you achieve your goal.  Click here for a template that will walk you through your SMART goal.

3. Make it easy on yourself


Dr. BJ Fogg's Behavior Model states that for a behavior to happen, motivation, ability and a trigger need to occur at once.  No matter how high your motivation, if the behavior is difficult, it is less likely that you will succeed.  Therefore, you must simplify your ability to do the target behavior.  For a deep dive into understanding behaviors, join us for book club next month!

4. Create a Vision Board

Use this website to make a digital version, or get out the scissors and glue for a hands-on craft project.  Keep your vision board somewhere you will see it and ask yourself, "what steps am I taking to make this vision a reality?"

Follow these tips to create a meaningful resolution that you will be able to follow through on, and visualize yourself meeting your goals.  Come back here and comment on this post with your resolution and what steps you'll take to achieve it!

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