Belly Detox Challenge

Belly Detox Challenge

Earlier this month, we featured how wellness goals are easier met when we get our friends involved. The Pensions team from The Bahamas (Pictured above, left to right, Kriston Moore, Lynette Smith, Jonelle Fox, Shantel Saunders, Desiree Parker, Larry Gibson) had a great idea to motivate each other to achieve a tricky goal.  Team member Desiree Parker filled us in on the challenge details:

What was your inspiration for this challenge?
We felt that the most difficult area to lose weight is around the mid-section and this detox was geared specifically to reducing belly fat/excess.

What were the challenge rules?
The challenge was to complete a 7-day detox which consisted of substituting two meals each day with a smoothie. We chose dinner as our 1 meal option (so that no one would bring lunch into the office and distract the other staff members) and this was to be carb-free (i.e. meat, vegetables and fruit only);

There were essentially four smoothie combinations used (see below):

  • banana, strawberries, yogurt, almond milk, cinnamon
  • pineapple, mango, coconut milk
  • carrot, orange juice, banana, apple
  • watermelon, cantaloupe, pineapple, banana, yogurt

What was the results from the challenge?

At the end of the 7 days, we had lost a collective 22 pounds.

Do you feel that members will be able to build off from this experience? Why?
Yes. Amongst the benefits realized were an increase in energy levels and more awareness about water intake and caloric intake/expenditure. Also, once we realized that we could comfortably survive off of one meal/limited carbs, staff members were inclined to reduce portion sizes, adopt meatless meals once per week or no-carb meals particularly at dinner time.

How was the data measured (weight, food intake, consistency with the challenge)
The primary measure was consistency i.e. to complete the full 7 days of the detox. Weight loss was secondary.

What were the rewards for members to participate?
The group agreed to an office lunch of a gourmet salad with meat.

We'd like to congratulate the Pensions team for their team spirit, and for accomplishing their goal!


Please be sure to consult your physician before making any lifestyle changes.

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