Stress Management
Fitness and nutrition alone are not all that make up a healthy lifestyle. Stress management is another key factor of well-being, and growing in importance with the increasing amount of stress in our daily lives. Because stress in the office and at home can bleed into one another, learning techniques to alleviate stress will help to keep the peace in all areas of life.
This month, Atlantic Medical Insurance held stress management seminars for all of its staff to learn more about this critical topic. Dr. Wionna Pratt and Dr. Wayne Thompson presented a session in Nassau and Freeport, respectively and addressed techniques to identify and manage stress. Topics covered included techniques for stress prevention, as well as how to manage any stressors that come our way.
Some ways that we can stop stress before it happens include letting go of things that are out of our control. We also have less time to focus on stress when we spend time doing the things that bring us happiness. Setting realistic goals is another way to avoid taking on more than we can handle.
“Did you know that you can complete a project by dropping it?”
It is also important that we recognize symptoms of stress to avoid poor coping techniques like over-eating. Stress can have a wide range of effects on our emotions, mood and behavior. Getting in tune with what triggers our stress and how it manifests in our bodies can help.
When stress does hit, there are many tried and tested coping techniques to get you through. Something as simple as taking three deep breaths can calm the mind. Taking a walk, yoga, and meditation are other ways to take your mind off of the stress and shift your perspective.
Since stress affects everyone so differently, there is no single cure-all. Please comment below with some of your best techniques for relieving stress so we can help each other be #alltogetherbetter