The Bahamas Takes Control of Diabetes Management

The Bahamas Takes Control of Diabetes Management

Based on the “Why Wait” Joslin Diabetes Centre weight management programme, In Control is a weight management programme for overweight and obese individuals with pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Twenty five Atlantic Medical Clients were partnered with personal Behavior Change Coaches and received: Health Education and Coaching, Nutrition Education and Coaching and Fitness Coaching. During the Health Education Classes, Dr. Shena Antonio Collie-Medical Consultant gave presentations on Diabetes and the management of the disease.

The 12 weeks programme had a 98% completion rate. By the end of the 12 weeks there were significant reductions in HBA1C’s, weight, inches, blood pressure, total cholesterol, and blood glucose. 58% of participants experienced a decrease HBA1C’s from the highest being 14% to an average of 7.5%, while 42% experienced reduction in HBA1C’s to below 7%. We saw 80% weight loss.The overall average weight started at 215 pounds, and after 12 weeks had dropped to 207 pounds. Blood pressure dropped from 137/84 to 124/73. Cholesterol went from an average of 200 to 174, and Blood Glucose went from an average of 196 to 118.

One of our clients, Karil Gibson, experienced phenomenal results, not only in his physical well-being but also his mental well-being. Here is Karil’s story:

“We have been on a long three months journey. I started this program weighing in at 219 pounds. I’m happy to say because of Ms. Isaacs and her fine staff at Jemi I was able to lose 24 pounds in three months.

In Control is exactly what it means “TAKING CONTROL” of yourself; it all starts with you. I have taken in a vast amount of information but these are the ones that stick out in my mind.

  1. Get rid of the great white hazards which are all the bad carbohydrate for example white rice, white bread, white flour, white grits and so on.
  2. How to portion your food.
  3. How to read ingredients labels on the back of food boxes.
  4. How important the intake of fiber really is.
  5. The importance of exercising.

I want to say a special thanks to Jemi Fitness staff, its leader Ms. Janette Isaacs, Nurses Julia Knowles, Helen Johnson and Rosa Moss, Nutrition coach Joanna French and fitness trainers Ashley Fraiser and Annissa Albury. I would also like to thank Atlantic Medical for sponsoring this program. And finally, a special thanks to my confidante Karlene Adderley. It’s been challenging but gratifying because besides God your health should matter most.”

Rock Star Member: Heidi Daniels-Roque

Rock Star Member: Heidi Daniels-Roque

Rock Star Member: Rohan Marshall

Rock Star Member: Rohan Marshall