Is Chocolate Good for You?

Have you ever felt guilty for consuming the chocolate Easter bunny? You may not know it, but chocolate can be healthy! Depending on the type chocolate you are eating, there are also many benefits of indulging. Here are some facts about chocolate and a few tips when picking your next treat:

  • The scent of chocolate increases theta brain waves – which triggers relaxation.
  • White Chocolate isn’t technically chocolate as it does not contain cocoa solids or cocoa liquor.
  • Eating chocolate daily can reduce your chance of heart disease by one-third.
  • Dark chocolate has more cacao and less sugar than other chocolates that makes it considered healthier than milk and white chocolate.
  • Dark chocolate contains lots of antioxidants that help the cardiovascular system by reducing blood pressure.
  • To find a healthier chocolate you should look for a high cocoa content.
  • Chocolate contains a chemical called tryptophan that induces feelings associated with love–which can make us incredibly happy.
  • One chocolate chip provides enough food energy for an adult to walk 150 feet. It would take 35 chocolate chips to walk one mile or 875,000 chocolate chips to get you around the world!

With these tidbits hopefully you are more aware of the sweet benefits of chocolate and they will help you to pick a “healthy” treat.

Get your chocolate fix with this healthier twist on the chocolate truffle. This recipe is full of healthy fats from the avocado and antioxidants from two types of chocolate. For more healthy recipes, visit the Zipongo site through the Programs page on Virgin Pulse.


  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 3/4 cup dark chocolate, melted
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • cocoa powder

1. Melt dark chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl.
2. In a separate bowl, mash avocado. When chocolate
is smooth, pour into mashed avocado and stir
together. Add in vanilla and cinnamon.
3. When combined and clump-free, place in
refrigerator for about half an hour. When cooled and hardened, stop into 10-12 balls and roll until smooth.
4. Roll each ball in cocoa powder and serve. Place any remaining truffles in an air tight container.

An Active Life for Ironshore Employees

An Active Life for Ironshore Employees

Rock Star Member: Nate Holland

Rock Star Member: Nate Holland