Step Challenge Champions

Step Challenge Champions

Introducing our latest Multi-Jurisdictional Step Challenge Champions from Lyford Cay International School, Bahamas

(From the bottom left clockwise: Thierry Fourmond, Shanika Smith, Lora Bower, Milan Durik, and Stephanie Rolle.)


A new quarter is upon us and with that comes another multi-jurisdictional step challenge. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get moving in a fun and competitive manner! Our last step challenge champions at Lyford Cay International School were kind enough to share some tips on how you too can be a champion!

Step Champion: Lora Bower

1. How did you stay motivated throughout the challenge?

The prize was a beautiful Lyford Cay International School umbrella. That was enough motivation for me!

2. What was/is your average daily step count?

January’s average daily step count was 16,220 steps.

3. Did you run, walk, or are your activities of daily living enough to reach your average step

My daily activities as a school nurse are enough. I live near the beach, so I take advantage of that on the weekends to increase my steps. I frequently ask the receptionist at school if she requires assistance with anything. This allows me to get extra steps walking up & down stairs or walking to the maintenance department to log those extra steps!

4. What tips would you give to other teams to help them stay engaged in this quarter’s
step challenge?

I.               Remember to wear your fitness tracker. Many people feel that because they do not run or visit the gym, they will not log many steps. They will be very surprised at how many steps are accumulated when going about their daily routine.

II.             I would also advise members to stay focused & upload steps frequently throughout the day to see how their progress.


Step Champion: Thierry Fourmond

1. How did you stay motivated throughout the challenge?

I think that we are a good team and all active. We challenge each other daily and that helped us make it through this challenge.

2. What was/is your average daily step count?

I start my day with a walk on the beach in the morning. In the past, I would start the day by reading the news on my computer. However, I started to make a positive change and decrease my screen time. This allowed me to start my day in a positive way.  Also, I always run after school because it is my way of relaxing. If I have some energy left in the evening, I play tennis. Due to all of the aforementioned physical activities, it is quite easy for me to get 20,000 steps on a daily basis.

3. Did you run, walk, or are your activities of daily living enough to reach your average step

I enjoy coaching sports, as it is one of my hobbies. I am very sporty and will always run and play tennis and football with the children in school.

4. What tips would you give to other teams to help them stay engaged in this quarter’s
step challenge?

I.               Develop healthy routines.

II.             Listen to your body

III.           If you feel tired a walk is always a nice way to end the day and accumulate steps.


There you have it! Try to incorporate some of these champion tips in the upcoming multi-jurisdictional step challenge, Step it up to a better you! It’s time to make a change and reinvent yourself! All it takes are a few lifestyle changes to improve your physical and emotional health. The process starts with you.

To register for the upcoming step challenge, get on the CG Zest Wellness app or click here!

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