5 Things Everyone Should Know About Women's Health

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Women's Health

Women are leaders in our communities, workplaces, and homes. For us to have healthy families and communities, we need healthy, strong women. Women can take on a great deal of the physical and mental responsibilities of managing the household. Women are often the ones taking care of their family members, and putting others before themselves. 

However, when it comes to taking care of their health, women tend to put their well-being on the back burner. Let's allow women in our lives, or ourselves to take a breath and focus on themselves for a change. The following tips are meant to allow women to take charge of their health and wellbeing while still balancing all the responsibilities in their lives. 



Though most people understand the importance of exercising, we still have trouble making time to exercise. Exercise helps to elevate stress, which is important to fostering positive mental health. It also helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. So, the next time you’re feeling stressed, try a quick 30 min cardio exercise to lighten the mood and reduce your worries. 

Eating Well


“You are what you eat” is a very cliché but also, a fact. Many non-communicable diseases, like high blood pressure, diabetes and cancers are directly linked to the foods that we consume. Fortifying your health with fresh fruits, veggies, legumes, whole grains can help to improve your digestion and fight diseases in a variety of ways. For example, vegetables can help keep your blood pressure regulated at an ideal range and also aid in adding fiber to your digestive system. Next time you prepare dinner, look for a variety of colors when choosing vegetables, and try to consume dark greens and orange vegetables whenever you can. 

Annual Women Wellness Exams


Scheduling annual wellness exams is a vital step that women of all ages should do to protect their health. Preventative screenings such as breast exams and pelvic exams are just a few important tests that are performed by physicians who are trained to recognize any type of abnormalities and warning signs of cancers. In fact, in an article published in Contemporary OB/GYN, studies have shown that women who participate in clinical breast screenings had a statistically significant 41% reduction in risk of dying from breast cancer within 10 years and a 25% reduction in the rate of advanced breast cancer (Judith M. Orvos, 202).

Rest & Relaxation


As tempting as it may be to catch up on chores, work emails, or spending time with the kids, you should also spend time with yourself and get a much-deserved rest. It will help to improve your mental health, reduce your risk of heart disease, and helps you to stay content throughout the day. 

Prioritize Health


Prioritizing your health to be the best version of yourself is very important, no matter how packed your schedule may be. Taking time each day to do something just for your mental and physical health can do wonders for your mood and overall health, in the long and short run. Need help creating and sticking to healthy habits so you can become the best version of yourself? Visit www.joinzestwellness.com today. 

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