Episode 35 - The Other Side of Movement

Episode 35 - The Other Side of Movement

Mr. Alex Forde, most commonly referred to as Alex or Mr. A.F, is the Managing Director at a Barbados-based wellness facility, Absolute Fitness. He is also the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Barbados national senior men’s franchise, the Barbados Pride. He is a father to his amazing daughter, a fierce competitor, and an athlete at heart. He sees and believes in bringing out the best in people and also gives 110% in whatever he invests his time, energy, and soul into. Alex loves to travel, cook, and try new foods. His favorite pastimes are quality personal time at the beach and having daddy-daughter dates with his 4 yr old. He is a strong advocate for supporting and preparing the youth for the future and possesses a passion that he carries out in current and developing opportunities on a national and international level.

 To get in touch with Alex, you can reach him by email (absolutefitness.bb@gmail.com), Instagram (absolutefitness.bb), or Facebook (AbsoluteFitnessBarbados)

CG Zest Wellness is a comprehensive Wellness Program for Coralisle Group Ltd. To learn more visit www.cgzestwellness.com or www.joinzestwellness.com.

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