Rockstar of The Quarter: Thierry Fourmond

Rockstar of The Quarter: Thierry Fourmond

Introducing Thierry Fourmond! 

Thierry was nominated by Wellness champions at Lyford Cay International School (LCIS) based on his efforts related to his own health and wellness. 

Tell us a little about yourself and your fitness journey:

I have always been very sporty. I started playing football at the age of 6 and carried on into my forties. As I grew older, I started to play tennis, ran on a weekly basis, and started to do more core exercises as my wife loves fitness and sport as well. Our holidays are rarely without bike trips, treks, and jogging in the morning before breakfast. Tennis has definitely been a sport that has allowed me to relax and meet new people. It is great for your physical, mental, and social life.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

Run faster as I never have time to do everything I want in a day.

How have you continued to make exercise enjoyable? 

I just enjoy doing sport every day and if possible, with my wife. It makes the run more fun. After a day of teaching children, there is nothing like a good run or a good tennis match to feel good.

What devices do you use to track your health? 

I have my Apple watch.

What advice would you give to those struggling with being consistent?

You will feel good after your workout. If you feel tired and you don't want to go running- go for a walk. Also, do a variety of different workouts. This way, there will always be something you feel like doing on that specific day.

What do you enjoy most about the workplace Wellness program at LCIS? What is your wellbeing goal for 2022?

 I enjoyed the challenges and my goal is to continue to eat healthily and exercise every day.

Are you interested in becoming a CG Zest Wellness Rockstar and celebrating your success? If so, share your story with your Wellness Champions or tag us on social media @cgzestwellness to empower others to achieve their goals too! Remember, fitness is a personal journey. 

CG Zest Wellness is here to support and encourage you along the way! Search our wellness blog for resources related to your journey.

“A little progress each day adds up to big results” 

     - Satya Nani.

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