Our Top 3 Wellness Resources For Parents

Our Top 3 Wellness Resources For Parents

Parents you have got this and when you feel like you don’t... we have got your back!  Returning to school either in person or virtually can be a daunting time for families.  In addition to the stress, this type of change may cause, finding resources online to help support you and your child can be a challenge and sometimes overwhelming.

To make things easier here are 3 helpful places to help guide your parenting journey:

Center For Disease Control - Positive Parenting Tips

The CDC has great positive parenting tips tailored to the developmental stage of your child. 

WHO/UNICEF - COVID-19 Playful Parenting resources

The WHO and UNICEF organizations have combined efforts to create resources to help support the needs of parents and children. 

Themes include :

  • One-on-one time

  • Keeping Children safe online

  • Keeping it Positive

CG Zest Wellness “Journeys”

This resource is for CG Zest Wellness members. To join click here: https://cgzestwellness.com/join

 This app feature has bite-size information tailored to your parenting wellbeing goals. 

Family-friendly journeys include:

  • Fit as Family

  • Make time for Play

  • Sleep for Parents

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