Fall Into Wellness

Fall Into Wellness

Summer is officially over, and it is now Fall! Time for pumpkin-spiced everything, changing leaves, cozy sweaters. The change in seasons is a great time to switch up your wellness routines to keep them from getting stale. 

Get outdoors for your exercise.

Now that it isn't so hot, get outside! Go for a hike, do a HIIT circuit in your yard, practice yoga on your porch. Any activity that you enjoy and can be consistent with, go for it! Nature can be so healing, and now is the best time of year to enjoy all of the benefits of the great outdoors. 

Change your exercise routine.

Maybe for the summer months, you were swimming or practicing yoga. Try something higher intensity like boxing, running, or hot yoga. Bonus if you can do the exercise outdoors! You might find something new that you love, or find that something you have been doing isn't working for you anymore. Never be afraid to try new things! 

Change your self-care routine.

In the warmer months, my self-care is based around rest. Leisurely swims, cold smoothies, infused water. Think now of things like hearty stews, warm baths, scented candles, long walks. Incorporate activities that excite you and will help you to stay consistent on your wellness journey. Check out our DIY Self Care post to make your own at home Epsom salt bath!   

Experiment with new recipes.

Fall is a time of amazing seasonal produce, so try researching new recipes for your family this year. Experiment with healthy swaps for comfort food recipes, like swapping heavy cream for coconut milk, butter for avocado oil, salt for spices, low sodium vegetable stock instead of regular stock. You can still enjoy comfort food when you aim for small healthy swaps.

Switch out your wardrobe and sheets.

What does this have to do with wellness? Well, when we take the time to organize our lives, it is an act of passive self-care. Switching out your swimsuits for sweaters and light covers for duvets ensures that you nurture your physical and emotional well-being. Plus, who doesn't love a cozy blanket? 

Book your annual medical appointments.

The year ends in only 3 months! Ensure that you have been to all of your yearly doctor appointments and stay up to date. For inspiration on being an empowered patient, check out our webinar!

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