Save Money While Working From Home

Save Money While Working From Home

Energy Savings

  • Switch older light bulbs to LEDs (light-emitting diode), which use a lot of energy.

  • When you leave the room, turn off the lights.

  • Keep window blinds and curtains closed during the morning to preserve cold air.

  • Air dry your dishes on a dish rack instead of using the dishwasher.

  • Unplug your laptop and phone chargers once the device is fully charged. Your charge may still use energy even when your device is not connected.

  • Unplug microwave and electric ovens when not in use. LED indicators on microwave and ovens usually stay on when not in use.

  • Use a surge protector or power strip. Surge protectors divert or block excess energy if it is not needed. (Vampire Power)

  • Air dry clothes, if possible.

Money Savings

  • Try to use Wifi Calls instead of regular phone calls to save on the phone bill.

  • Meal Planning for the day prevent overconsumption of food and raising your grocery bill.

  • Start growing your own backyard garden to help reduce food costs. 

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