8 Wellness Resources Your Dependents Need Right Now

8 Wellness Resources Your Dependents Need Right Now

Have you heard of the Hawthorne effect?

The Hawthorne effect is centered around the human phenomenon of how our behavior can change in times of our perception of being observed. 

When it comes to your healthy habits, the Hawthorne effect may be used to your advantage. By building your social support and being accountable with others to develop a sense of being observed, whether that be through group physical activity, goal tracking, or mutual meal preparation, those healthy habits become more about we, rather than solely me. 

Zest Wellness can help you build your social support by offering the following wellness mediums for your dependents to engage with. The mutual journey of healthy habits for yourself and your dependents starts below. May the Hawthorne effect then work in your favor!

  1. Zest Wellness Platform, powered by Virgin Pulse

    Each eligible employee for the platform is able to invite 10 friends or family members to create their own account. An eligible employee does this by inputting the email of the family member or friend, who then receives a welcome message to then enroll in their account.       

  2. Zest Wellness Instagram & Facebook

    Everyone can engage with Zest Wellness on social media to learn the knowledge and skills for healthy habits. Zest Wellness has a Facebook and Instagram presence. What is great about social media is that dependents can ask questions about healthy habits in the comment section of the social media posts.

  3. Zest Wellness Blog 

    The headquarters for sharing news and resources from Zest Wellness is the Zest Wellness Blog. Each blog post is curated based on the input and needs of those whom Zest Wellness serves to maintain healthy habits again!

  4. Zest Wellness Podcast

    For the individual who is on-the-go, or who would like to consume some health education content passively, this is the gap podcasts are designed to fill. The Zest Wellness podcast shares audio interviews with health professionals, local businesses, and fitness practitioners.

  5. Zest Wellness Newsletter 

    For summaries of activity from the Zest Wellness team, weekly newsletter emails can be sent to dependents who share their email with the newsletter sign-up. Then, at the convenience of a respective dependent, they can perform a quick glance of the newsletter and pick which piece of activity is most relevant for them to explore further. 

  6. Zest Wellness Webinars

    For a comprehensive look into various health topics, such as emotional health, financial wellness, and ergonomics, the Zest Wellness webinars are sessions that individuals register for and log in at the scheduled date/time to learn from a detailed presentation or panel discussion.

  7. Community

    At various points in the year, you may see Zest Wellness out and about in the community. Whether this is due to our keynote speaking events, which has included the likes of Ariana Huffington and Deepak Chopra in years past, or also including volunteering initiatives for giving back, opportunities to become a part of this aspect of Zest Wellness may arise.  

  8. Online Initiatives

    To raise awareness, Zest Wellness conducts campaigns to help create a sense of support for others, and add clarity towards a wellness topic. To date, this has included the areas of supporting others and their mental or emotional health by signing a pledge on the Zest Wellness website (www.zestwellnesscgi.com), as well as sharing the importance of being mindful of best practices relating to personal finance through the distribution of a financial wellness white paper.


To act on the above wellness mediums for your dependents, check with your organization to determine your eligibility for Zest Wellness. It all starts with the 10 friends or family slots within the Zest Wellness platform.




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