DIY Fruit & Vegetable Wash

DIY Fruit & Vegetable Wash

It is not news that we are living through a global pandemic, and basic hygiene is of the utmost importance. Continuing to stay healthy by social distancing, wearing our masks, and washing our hands frequently should remain the norm, but what about our food? Have you ever noticed in the grocery store that to select the produce you want, you often pick up a few different pieces? Choosing a ripe apple, for example, may feel the skin, test the firmness of the fruit, and even smell it for freshness. Lots of people do this, and six months ago, this behavior went unnoticed. While there is little evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted through or on food washing your produce will get rid of dirt, bacteria, and it will also prolong the life and freshness of your produce. So how can you stay safe? By thoroughly washing all of your fresh produce! Try the recipe below courtesy of TheKitchn for an easy and safe DIY Fruit and Vegetable Wash.

What You’ll Need

  • Spray bottle

  • Measuring cup and spoons

  • Colander

  • Distilled white vinegar

  • Water

  • Lemon juice

  • Gentle scrub brush

  • Paper towels


  1. Make your solution: To clean most fruits and vegetables, mix a solution of 1 cup vinegar to 4 cups water inside your spray bottle, then add a tablespoon of lemon juice. Shake well to combine.

  2. Spray your produce: Place your fruit or vegetable in a colander in the sink. Spray it liberally with the mixture, then let it sit for two to five minutes.

  3. Rinse: Rinse off the mixture thoroughly with cool water, using a vegetable scrub brush on thicker-skinned produce.

  4. Dry: Pat dry with paper towels.

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