20 Days of Back-to-basics: Minimalism Challenge

20 Days of Back-to-basics: Minimalism Challenge

  1. Clean out your car - Most of us use our cars every day – why not make it an area where you feel calm and centered, rather than cluttered and stressed? Take some time to get rid of those old containers and dirty gym clothes and see how much better you feel in a clean space! Don’t have the time or money to clean as deeply as you want? Check out these easy and affordable tips to get your car looking new again.

  2.  Swap negativity for kindness - Life is never going to be perfect, so it’s easy to fall victim to negative thought patterns – especially when things start to go in a way we didn’t expect. Challenge yourself to do something nice for someone else and watch how doing something for others helps you appreciate all the good things you have.

  3. Organize your closet - Start by making three piles—things you want to keep, throw away, and donate. And after, notice how it feels to donate something you don’t need anymore. Spice it up by playing music at the same time or calling a friend on speakerphone as you are organizing. If you feel hesitant about an item, put it in the back of your closest for a few months. If you don’t think about it or wear it during that time, that’s a great sign you can let it go!

  4. Say no to something - It’s great to try new things and be helpful but it’s just as important to learn your limits, which sometimes means saying no. If saying no is something that is hard for you, practice on a good friend or family member. They will love you no matter what!

  5. Go plastic-free - That means no take-away coffee cups, straws, grocery bags…you get the idea! In Bermuda, there is a neat store called Naked Zero. The store carries anything from reusable straws, biodegradable laundry detergent, and non-toxic makeup. All sustainably and ethically made!

  6. Eat food with only 5 ingredients or less - Food is fuel. Why not try and eat things that are the most nutrient-dense, nourishing foods? Often that means fresh, non-processed. So, can you eat things with only 5 ingredients or less for a whole day? A week? As Mr. Michael Pollan says, if it’s a plant - eat it, if it’s made in a plant – don’t. Healthy eating is great but it takes time. If you’re someone who needs food that is ready-made for your busy lifestyle, try these healthy 5-ingredient granola bars to help you get through the day.

  7. Avoid a bad habit - Are you someone who bites their nails, smokes, or never goes to bed on time? Use this day as a spark to see if you can make a change and finally quit the habit. Write your goals down so it’s in writing and you can keep yourself more accountable. The structure of your environment can help to support your goals.

  8. Spend quality time with loved ones- Our lives are so busy these days that sometimes we forget to make time for the things that are the most important. Use this day as a way to re-prioritize those that are most important to you by making a special effort to spend quality time with friends and family. After work, try only using your smartphone for actual phone calls – you’ll be amazed by how much time that frees up! 

  9. Clear off your desk/workspace - Tired of looking at that pile of old documents getting higher and higher? Set aside some time to finally sort through those old papers and only keep the things you need. Think about how you can use spare folders or even objects such as shelving to help keep important documents organized and in one place. The more colorful the folders the better!

  10. Get rid of old stationery supplies - Dried out pens, loose paper clips, broken binders, worn-down pencils. Think about donating your gently used stationery supplies to a local charity.

  11. Delete/organize emails - Find yourself with a lazy weekend day, or a weekday late-afternoon? Spend the afternoon deleting old emails and organizing your inbox to prioritize the most important messages and get rid of the ones you don’t need anymore. Organize your inbox with folders to make it easier to find messages you need to keep.

  12. Make all of your lunches (and dinners) for the next few days. Aim for the next whole week! - Cut down on cooking time and make all of your meals on a single day. We love spending a Sunday afternoon making food for the week. A great way to make healthy choices and stay on track throughout the week. You don’t need to be super fancy! Roast a few types of veggies and cook your protein in large batches. Roasted carrots and sweet potatoes are especially good!

  13. Don’t purchase anything for the day - Challenge yourself to renew your love for something you already own. Find a new way to wear that scarf or finally use those food items you keep at the back of the cabinet. Plan ahead!

  14. Take steps towards eliminating a toxic relationship - We all need relationships but we don’t need every relationship. Do you find that there is that one person who only drags you down, rather than building you up? Then it might be time to make a change. This change can take many forms. Maybe it doesn’t mean totally cutting that person out of your life but instead, setting some boundaries with that person, and be firm about it. If that helps, great! And if not, know that it’s okay to be done. Remember that toxic people are only preventing you from becoming your truest, best self! Breaking up with a friend is intense, especially if it’s someone you are really close to. Start the process with a conversation. Generously tell that person the ways in which they are hurting you and that might be enough to get them to start changing their behavior so that they can become the best friend and person they can be.

  15. Unsubscribe from newsletters and promotions you don’t use - An inbox can be represented as a collection of other people’s agenda items for you. Checking non-purposeful emails serve as a distraction to keep us away from our priorities. Unsubscribing from individual emails can be tedious. Instead, use https://www.unroll.me/ for your one-stop shop for un-enrolling easily.

  16. Organize the junk drawer - The dreaded junk drawer – we all have one. Take a few minutes to finally rid the drawer of things you no longer need. Purchase a few clear plastic containers to store and organize the things you keep. And if you don’t want to buy something new, how about using those old plastic takeout containers to keep the junk drawer from getting out of control!

  17. Try to meditate - A lot of us spend most of our days in front of screens, instead of getting home and watching television, try taking a few minutes to unplug and meditate. Even better, go outside and meditate to the sound of the treefrogs. Does the idea of meditation totally freak you out? Start small. Even just 2 minutes of intentional breathing will do wonders for your stress and mental clarity.

  18. Reorganize a living space - Having a living space that makes you feel comfortable and safe is crucial to wellbeing. Keeping clutter away from our environment, we keep clutter away from our minds! Have you ever thought of how clutter can hold you back? Focus on creating space, rather than filling it!

  19. Journal - Ever heard of blue light? It’s the type of light that your phone emits that has been proven to disrupt sleep patterns. Instead of scrolling on your phone before bed, reach for a journal instead. It’s a great way to reflect on the day and unwind before bed. Even if the journaling is a few words or sentences, everything counts! Not sure what to write about? Try using some of these helpful prompts:

    • What is your favorite childhood memory?

    • Make a list of your best qualities – your time to shine!

    • A letter to yourself 5 years from now

    • What’s your definition of happiness?

  20. Reflect and Enact - It’s the final day! How did this challenge make you feel? What did you learn? By eliminating the unnecessary things in your life, the most important things become clear. Write a short paragraph about the ways in which this challenge made you feel. If it’s positive, put in up somewhere where you can see it and remind yourself of the benefits of living minimally and to encourage you to keep living this way.

Keep track of your progress through the challenge by downloading the checklist below:

Feel free to post this challenge online & tag @ZestWellnessCGI so we can follow along with your progress too!

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