Zest Wellness Podcast: Donovan Ingraham

Zest Wellness Podcast: Donovan Ingraham

Our guest on this episode of the Zest Wellness Podcast is Donovan Ingraham, our Corporate Wellness Coordinator at Atlantic Medical Insurance.

With a Masters degree in Applied Nutrition, Donovan shares some practical advice when it comes to overcoming the common pitfalls he sees with those looking to change their eating habits.

Donovan's top three tips are:

  1. Incorporate fruits and vegetables at every meal
  2. Implement balanced, portion-controlled meals
  3. Understand your body type

Listen to the podcast below or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher to get new episodes direct to your device when they becomes available!

If you liked this episode with Donovan, click here to learn a bit more about him in our Wellness Coordinator Interview Series!

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