Harvesting Happiness

Harvesting Happiness

If you've ever found yourself tense or stressed, you may have noticed a change in your mood after taking a walk outside for some fresh air.  Contact with nature can have a positive impact on mental well-being.  This extends from immersing yourself into natural surroundings like the park or beach to something as simple as keeping live plants in your home.

People with access to private or shared gardens experience lower levels of stress.  This could be due to numerous factors, including that plants improve the air quality indoors through the release of oxygen, and can have aromatherapy benefits.  Taking care of a plant can also help you feel successful, boosting confidence.

Kitchen gardens can make a great addition to your home.  Imagine plucking fresh herbs to add to your homemade dishes! You don't need a huge back yard to get started: all it takes is a couple of fresh herbs on the windowsill.


Zest Wellness client, Aliv, recently introduced a gardening program to their office.  With the assistance of Mr. Harold Cole (above, standing), they started a backyard garden competition between various departments.

The garden will give staff the opportunity to get outside and enjoy some fresh air, while contributing to a project that the entire company will benefit from.


The goal for this competition is to see which department can grow and maintain the best produce. They hope to have tomatoes, cabbage, lettuce and onions available in 3 months. The garden will act as a vegetable reserve for staff, and will provide ingredients to use for meals prepared daily in the office kitchen.

Would your company benefit from a shared garden? Get some colleagues together and make it happen!

Rock Star Member: Lagloria Knowles

Rock Star Member: Lagloria Knowles

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