Rockstar Member: Pam Rabain

Rockstar Member: Pam Rabain

Pam Rabain, a valued member of the accounting department at Wakefield Quin (WQ) in Bermuda for more than fifteen years, has been a top participant in WQ’s Virgin Pulse program since it started last year. Her motivation?  Pam has a family history of high blood pressure and she wants to be active and healthy to enjoy life with her grandchildren.

At a Colonial Zest Wellness Health Fair in August 2016, Pam discovered a possible blood pressure issue and immediately took action, identifying sources of stress and allowing herself to get fresh air and exercise at lunch – she tackles the Bull’s Head stairway on a regular basis! Pam is a regular participant in local athletic events such as the End to End and Relay for Life, as well as an enthusiastic supporter at the Bermuda Half Marathon Derby.
We are proud of Pam and congratulate her on her hard work and winning active lifestyle habits!

Bermuda Relay For Life

Bermuda Relay For Life

Rewarding Healthy Behavior

Rewarding Healthy Behavior